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Comment Re:Then what instead of iPod touch? (Score 1) 188

Android on mobile phones (mandatory cellular data plan)

Not quite... I had a G1 with a deactivated SIM card in it that I used for games, WiFi access, and the ability to sync my Google Calendar with my pocket. I don't know if I'd call it a 'handheld gaming platform', but there were tower defense games aplenty, and I remember a few FPS's and strategy/RPG games that weren't too bad, either.

(I used a TracFone to actually make and receive calls and texts.)

Comment Re:FreeNet (Score 2) 586

I'm active on the Freenet IRC channel (#freenet on freenode irc) and we've been discussing for a few days how much this a perfect opportunity to really demonstrate what Freenet is capable of.

Over the next month or so we will be implementing some network level changes as we roll out v0.8. There is an actively updated WikiLeaks mirror available over Freenet, which you can find on the index pages.

For those who don't know, Freenet is an anonymous, distributed file-sharing network. Many plugins are available for encrypted communication with trusted peers over this network, including Freemail, FMS (Freenet Message System), Frost/Thaw, jSite, and flip.

Comment Re:Monsanto seeds in there? (Score 1) 115

And you know so many are only against Monsanto because they do genetic engineering, and, at this point in time, anti-GMO is just another form of baseless pseudoscientific crank denialism woowoo. "I saw Splice once, so I know more about genetic engineering than geneticists!"

Quotes taken out of context are great, aren't they?

Then people like me, who do understand the science behind GMOs, the science behind what Monsanto does, are left in the awkward position of defending Monsanto for the sake of accuracy. By all means, keep an eye on them, they are not to be trusted

Seems like he's paying attention to me.

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