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Comment Re:This isn't a study, it's advertising. (Score 2) 203

Exactly. And you didn't mention from TFA:

While the survey shows infers that shift workers may be overweight, the issue extends far beyond this group, and into the general population of the United States, including children. Childhood obesity is at all all time high in America and that has nothing to do with the night shift.

So is this a problem particular to night shift workers, or is it a general problem of our society? The article says both. What a terrible article and study.

Comment BitCoin relevance (Score 1) 403

Can a true believer help me out here--why on earth would I, after performing a service for you, take payment in the form of bitcoins instead of the legal tender for the country in which the service was performed?

I mean, seriously. Until I can purchase groceries, or pay my mortgage or utility bill, with this stuff, it's about as useful to me as WoW gold.

I've heard a lot of stories about people hoarding and collecting bitcoins, but few about anyone selling something with bitcoins. And zero about people exclusively accepting bitcoins, meaning I can still choose instead to pay with the coin of the realm. You may as well try to pay me with fairie kisses for services rendered, I'm still going to call the cops.

Comment How long? (Score 1) 168

As I understand it, the issue in Japan was that, while the reactor scrammed automatically when the earthquake was detected, the rods still need time to cool down before they cool enough to no longer require power to cool.

How long does that cooldown process take? Or do even "cool" rods still require power to remain cool?

Comment Re:Damned Liberal agenda..??? (Score 0) 205

True. The Defense of Marriage Act should really make adultery illegal. That has had a much bigger impact on American Family Values than the so-called "homosexual agenda". Not only is adultery not illegal, I don't think it even helps that much with divorce settlements anymore.

If the plaintiff in a divorce can prove adultery, the defendant should, at the least, lose all of the joint marriage finances and child visitation.

Comment Re:Ummm... (Score 1) 243

They should instead be negotiating with Google
This is probably simply the first stages of exactly that. I fully expect a negotiated agreement in the end, that will mutually benefit both. And probably only wind up costing Google lawyer's fees, if anything. This is just Oracle reminding Google who was ultimate authority of Java, and to increase the negotiating position.

Comment Re:Verizon won't roll them out to kiosks. . . (Score 1) 412

Both Apple and Google were able to solve this problem. Mostly, by not sucking. Also, acknowledging that they would have to compete.

MS is not used to having to compete (except perhaps in consoles), and there's no sense that they know how now. Ballmer was sent a message by the shareholders that he apparently didn't receive; he's either going to get scrappy, or get out. I'm betting on the latter.

Comment Re:There might be regulatory issues in the U.S. (Score 1) 200

They could reduce the size of the fuel tank by 2 gallons, and limit the speed. Smaller fuel tank would reduce weight too, right? Naturally it would also reduce range.

It'd a lot easier to reduce the capabilities to meet regulatory requirement than have to improve something to make it useful.

Comment Re:to clarify (Score 3) 200

anyone with even the most remote fucking grasp of physics

You used 0 physics to rebuke his claim. You only supported your argument with non-analogous airframes.

I don't know if getting to 10K feet is possible with this thing, and I suspect it isn't--it wouldn't be matter of just air density, but also the rider would need protection, like air and temperature controls. Also the horizontal wind speeds would be a whole different factor, and it's not clear that he's taken those into account.

But shit, if it can fly stably at 30 feet at 50 mph that would be good enough for me. I could get off the roads, and therefore avoid traffic and use line of sight to travel.

Comment Re:Allies were the villians in WWII (Score 1) 139

too close a resemblance to concentration camps

Nonsense. Show me the ovens for the cremation of murdered humans and you might have a point. Indeed, I believe the Japanese detainees were regularly fed.

The Japanese internment camps were a gross abuse of power for suspect personal gain, a travesty of civil rights for US citizens, and of very questionable strategic gain. But to give them the moral equivalence of the Nazi-run concentration camps is historical revisionist bs.

Comment Re:Not going to help jobs much (Score 1) 136

First any engineer they try to hire may just balk at having to live in such a small town.

Data Center techs that want to work for companies with 100K+ sq foot footprints are getting used to living in remote areas. Especially in Oregon, which combines low power cost, large inexpensive acreage, temperate-to-cool dry climate (on the E side of the mountains), no sales tax(!), good network pipes, and low latency to California. Also Trans-Pacific network connections in Portland. cf Quincy, The Dalles. Those places don't hire folks that bang code and are used to living in the Valley.

And in most cases these people just got sold out to facebook in the form of massive Tax breaks for facebook

There are significant franchise fees paid by the power company to the local operator, even if there aren't a lot of wage tax income. That's basically free money to the community.

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