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Comment Re:Over a decade (Score 1) 246

Linux desktops have been taken over by artistic "designers" instead of people who want to build tools for getting actual work done.

As with Windows, people looking to put their stamp on a product confuse change with progress. Printed books don't constantly change format, but for some reason desktop environments are relentlessly fucked with by designers for the sake of play.

Since bleeding edge distros no longer offer anything useful, I ignore them and leave them to the ricers.

Comment HUD are for Situational Awareness. (Score 2) 464

"Isn't that like saying a pilot is distracted by having his HUD turned on?"

NO, it obviously is not. WTF, over?

HUD are designed to make aircraft operation SAFER by maintaining pilot situational awareness. They put information relevant to operating the aircraft in his field of vision so he doesn't have to scan down/sideways as often to read MFDs and instruments.

Now what tech-illiterates modded that post up? That's a disgraceful display of cluelessness.

See the HUD example. Read what the display depicts:

Watch the HUD video to see why this display is important especially when under G's:

Note the absence of Tweets, email, and office-related correspondence.

Comment Yet another reason to send robots first. (Score 1) 207

We have thousands of years to play in space, and because robotic development cycles can be far more rapid than meat tourist conveyance systems we could get more actual "exploration" done. Humans require barriers between them and everything in "space", and must have efficient robotic systems to exploit resources on other planets. We also need robots on earth with the eventual goal of ending most human manual labor.
The loss of Challenger was a blow to a space program focused on sending meat. Just as we use UAVs to remote-man the dull and dangerous task of war, so we can remotely man space exploration for a very long time until the transport and other systems are far more reliable.
Pure win, no downside. The childish Cold War space tourism race is over. If Challenger had been full of robots instead of humans, the explosion would have merely been expensive entertainment.

Comment Offer techy immigrants citizenship instead. (Score 1) 271

Rather than pit them against citizens under conditions where their employers can exploit them then throw them back to Bumphuqistan, have a reasonable (five years max) path to becoming Americans instead. Maintaining the "brain drain" is greatly in favor of the US economy. Training our competition then sending them back is pants-on-head retarded.

Comment Re:Microsoft as a device company (Score 1) 1009

"The manufacturers business models aren't aligned with Microsoft's objectives."

Good. We have baby steps such as the Steam box. There is no reason as office suites mature that PC makers can't do the same thing but work together so they use compatible distros.

There is nothing Windows does as an OS better than Linux except run Windows programs. There are more Windows programs in certain categories because Windows is ubiquitous. As MSFT tries to lock down their market and fuck the manufacturers, those manufacturers can choose to use Linux at vastly lower licensing costs than Windows.

LOTD IMO will be the last bastion Linux storms, after conquering the rest.

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