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Comment Re:Failure to Follow Training (Score 1) 413

I'm not a pilot but this is what I have been thinking the problem was. If this was a "design" problem, then shouldn't we be seeing WAY more crashes considering the number of planes that were in service?

Now if you want to put not being more forgiving on the 737, thats another issue

Comment Anyone who's legit worked a 60hr/wk knows its BS (Score 1) 233

75 hrs a week is about 11 hrs a day. That means if you sleep 6 hours a day, you've got 7 hours left for eating, family responsibilities, hygiene, and your commute. You might do it if you're a farmer or some other work-from-home job with lots of down time, but aint no way.

And no way that's a maintainable pace.

Comment Will be wildly overpriced with great commercials (Score 1) 211

I work with iOS and the only reason I have a Macbook is because of that. I tried going Mac-only at home and I lasted about 6 months before I went back to PCs where I could get software I wanted besides graphic design apps.

Every time I see a pitch for Apple's next "oooh" product, it's like getting an email from the car dealership who ripped you off on that jalopy you just sold at a loss.

Comment It'll never happen (Score 1) 478

It reminds me of that story about 2 economists who wanted to predict the price of silver in the future. Right now, if the industrial countries need cheap low-skilled labor, they open their borders either formally or with a backdoor illegal immigration program; e.g. the United States.

If we ever get to the point we don't have enough people, governments will pay people to have children.

Comment Re:Nations will do anything to stop global warming (Score 1) 351

You'd be more credible if you didn't pose it as an either-or proposition. People have a right to be afraid of nuclear power. No matter how much you justify how safe we can do it now and the advantages, there's still the stain of disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima. Then there's the global security issues of weapon's grade waste.

Personally, I'm FOR the expansion of nuclear power. But regulations exist because these same companies have fucked up so disastrously.

Comment Redundant, but I miss video stores (Score 1) 100

Nothing compares to that experience. Plus, I loved buying old DVDs after some new movie hit the shelves and they had to shed the 100 copies of it they had in stock. I got "scammed" by a redbox that wouldn't accept my movie back (then I got hit with late fees) so I won't touch those damned things.

Comment Re:I'd like to use other sites (Walmart, Target) b (Score 1) 83

There's nothing remarkable about Amazon to me. The reviews aren't reliable, you do searches you still see the wrong items come back. I've been duped into buying the wrong thing a few times because Amazon searches returned items they thought were close enough.

My problem with brick-and-mortar search engines is they don't make it easy enough to simply find the closest store with the item I want. If I'm going to Walmart or Target websites, that usually means I want it *now*.

Comment Re:And, why? (Score 5, Insightful) 83

Amazon was propped up by Wall Street for years operating at a loss until they established market dominance. If you can throw enough money at any business model, you can't lose.

I remember laughing at Amazon 10-15 years ago because they were so overvalued. They were the poster child for P/E ratio scam stocks.

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