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Comment Re:No I don't agree (Score 2) 342

But we've seen Grasshopper and Falcon R9 position properly on land. Nobody's told us what the maximum wind was in those tests.

Musk alluded to a process control issue this morning and then deleted the tweet. It will take time to find out what the deal is.

Merlin 1D can throttle to 70% and the old 1C could go to 60%. Perhaps there's room for deeper throttling. I would expect that they'd try that before adding a new system and its weight.

Comment Re:Larger landing area (Score 4, Interesting) 342

The ship is 300 feet long. It's a big rocket :-)

The pad area they have at KSC is made for F9 Heavy, and multiple stages are supposed to land there, the neighbors are sensitive about having other rockets come down in their yard, and there's a big building you really don't want to hit :-) . So, they probably do need the precision. There was an odd tweet from Musk, later deleted, that said there was actually a process control problem and a phase delay.

Comment Try HD mode (Score 5, Informative) 342

You can see a lot more if you go to 1080 HD and full screen. There's some large piece of equipment, perhaps the motor head for one of the barge's corner thrusters, being thrust off of the barge in flames.

It looks like they'll need to do a lot of work on the barge. The support ship Go Quest and the tug Elsbeth III seem to be back in Jacksonville according to vessel tracking sites. There is a Carnival cruise ship that parks next to the barge's dock every 4 days, so we will probably see photos from its bow netcam if we don't see them otherwise.

Oh, check out this newscast. At 2:43, CBS News uses a sequence a SpaceX fan produced with Kerbal Space Program to illustrate how the landing is supposed to work.

Submission + - Longer video shows How Incredibly Close Falcon Stage Came to Successful Landing (spaceflightnow.com)

Bruce Perens writes: In the video here, the Falcon 9 first stage is shown landing with a tilt, and then a thruster keeps the rocket vertical on the barge for a few seconds before it quits, followed by Kabooom with obvious significant damage to the barge. It looks like this attempt was incredibly close to success. Given fixes, a successful first-stage recovery seems likely.

Comment Re:Landed OK but tipped over (Score 1) 117

The first one they get back intact is planned to have non-destructive testing and to do demo flights in Texas but not into orbit. The second one they get back intact is supposed to be dismantled.

We have yet to find out what, if anything, is left of today's stage. It may be that some materials evaluation can take place.

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