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Comment Re:Wayland is nothing until (Score 1) 179

i speak about a client-server model of having the gui here, and the server doing the work there, not about having the compositor here and the gui there.

for example have a look at mysql-workbench. You have a nice gui. on your pc. It connects via tcp or tcp-via-ssh to your server, where the db is running. nobody wants to have this program running on the server, forwarded via X11, rdp, NX or VNC.

so, mysql has the client-server model? What about having something like this for R and the display of its charts?

Comment Re:Will it really go the pulseaudio way? (Score 1) 179

wayland is just the way to go. You see, that they are taking it serious.
They made a concept, they made a reference implementation, they are still calling it alpha, they are waiting for the toolkits and main desktops, they are reacting to feedback, they are looking at the distros and graphic card vendors.
It seems the concept was well thought from scratch instead of building on X11, clean and without old cruft.

So i guess wayland is like IPv6. Incompatible for a good reason, but using the fact that its incompatible anyway to implement stuff which would be impossible to add to X11.
And like IPv6, the transition is not easy, but i guess the compatiblity layers are easier to do.

Comment Re:Hashcash is bad for e-mail (Score 1) 121

> As soon as you send one-to-many e-mails (newsletter, mailing-list, announcement, or just corresponding with lots of friends) this starts to be a problem, as you need to recalculate a new hash for all mail recipient.
This is a plus.

If you have a legitimate use for such an amount of recipients, it will be worth the computing power. If not, it will stop your silly newsletter i do not want to receive anyway.

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