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Comment Re:Who got forced? (Score 1) 208

The cinemas in my area, especially movies with a tiny tiny piece of sci-fi like Star Wars or Marvel ones, end up being shown in 3D only. So if you don't like 3D then you could be forced to drive for nearly an hour to get to one which has it in 2D, or wait for it to come to DVD or your favourite streaming service.

I don't like 3D stuff myself, but I do enjoy a nice trip to the cinema with the wife. I've had to put up with the 3D thing several times over the last little while because otherwise I wouldn't have the opportunity to go.

Comment Mostly non-fiction (Score 2) 255

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre

Freakonomics by Levitt & Dubner

How Not To Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Khaneman

Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute

I've still got The Black Swan by Taleb on my shelf waiting for me. Each so far has profoundly changed the way I think, in distinct but related ways.

Comment Re:Is it really so hard? (Score 1) 165

My solution to this is, never buy a phone from a carrier. I always buy mine outright from an independent seller, and usually a model that I know beforehand that I can use a custom ROM. There are hardly ever locked phones for sale in my country, that isn't even an issue.

Comment Re:VPN? (Score 1) 165

Surely not using the app but accessing Facebook through a browser and VPN will give you at least some level of concealment of your movements? I'm not a Facebook user but I do most of my browsing (desktop and mobile) using ProtonVPN always through the same server, so to anyone who wants to track me that way it looks as though I'm always in the same city.

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