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Comment Re: Proof (Score 1) 284

Actually yes. A few years ago a number of gun runners in South Africa we're caught smuggling weapons to the LRA. They defended their actions not by saying "we are greedy gunrunners happy to supply child soldiers" but by saying "we are christians who armed fellow christians in a war against evil Muslims". They got huge public sympathy and people were furious when the fortunately secular court system found them guilty of violation of the countries constitutional prohibition against trading arms to human rights violaters.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A suggestion to mobile browser makers and the W3C 4

There are an awful lot of pages on my web site, and I've been busy making them all "mobile-friendly". Most of them are little or no problem making them look good on all platforms, but there are three that are especially problematic.

I jumped this hurdle (well, sort of stumbled past it) by making two of each of the pages with a link to the mobile page from the index.

Comment Re:Another option (Score 1) 3

I'd be preaching what I don't practice; my favorite phone was the Razr. Tiny thing. Big phones are fine for those who carry purses, but mine stays in my pocket. The one I have now is about as big as I can stand.

I'm about to post a journal with a suggestion for the W3C and mobile browser makers.

Comment Re:Magnetized, eh? (Score 1) 6

It should work. I don't see how it would mess up the charging circuit unless that circuit was poorly designed. It's the same as a TV degausser.

My day was a lineman working around AC at 90,000 volts. If he wore an analog (wind up) watch to work the watch would get magnetized by those high strength magnetic fields and stop working. He probably could have fixed the watches the same way.

Comment Re:Proof (Score 3, Interesting) 284

As we speak Budhists are murdering Muslims on at least 2 islands in a vast religiously driven ethnic cleansing war that's been going on for over a year now.

You do actually have examples of ALL the above murdering every OTHER of the above for exactly that reason - in fact the single deadliest religious terrorist group on the planet is the Christian Lord's Resistance Army. Islamic extermists could take lessons - those guys kill more people in a month than all Islamic groups combined have managed in a decade !
You just don't HEAR about the others very much, because they don't make the news, because the places where they happen don't have oil.

Comment Re: Fuck atheists (Score 2) 284

The vast majority of atheists in America, particularly those who live in conservative areas report hiding their beliefs from neighbours (often claiming to be agnostic) for fear of discrimination and reprisal.

It would appear that even in the US of A atheists feel legitimately scared of religious people who are decidedly NOT Muslims. 3 Atheist murders in a short period is distressing but hardly above average, it COULD be just a random statistically clump which has no deeper meaning. There is nothing to suggest that this happens more frequently there than among Christians in the USA.
In fact, there isn't even any proof yet that this particular person's murder (or any of them) were even related to their writings - no trials yet, no evidence or motives known. The country is in a state of significant civil upheaval where murders are a frequent ocurrence. That these three victims happen to be atheist may be entirely unrelated to their deaths.
A good atheist should not form opinions before evidence is available and ought to know about statistical clumping fallacies and selective reporting.

Of course it's also possible that these WERE religiously motivated murders - we don't have enough evidence ot judge yet, we don't EVEN have a signficant enough statistical clump to consider it an unlikely coincidence
To get a valid sample you must EXCLUDE the data that originally drew your attention from your data-set, then make a prediction of what would happen if there was a NON-random event, and only if that prediction holds can you rule out randomness. So we now suspect that atheist bloggers may be getting targeted for their writings. We can predict that more deaths will follow, in quick sucession. If another happens -then we can NOT say "4 deaths now" - we say 1 death matching the prediction, if another 3 happen in a reasonable timeframe THEN you've got something MORE than mere coincidence.

Oh - and Muslim extermists are hardly the most violent religious lot around. That title is actually held by a Christian group. The Lords Resistance Army kills about as many people every month as all the Islamic terrorists in the world combined do in a decade - and that was in the decade that include 9/11, in a typical decade it's about a 5th of what the LRA does monthly.

The reason you don't HEAR about the LRA murders is because they don't happen where there is oil or, indeed, any resource of importance to America. They just happen somewhere in Africa, which as far as America is concerned is basically this big country full of children with distended bellies where everybody dies by age 10 anyway.

Comment Re:pro government insanity (Score 1) 133

>It is curious to observe the pro government mania taking place at this time, the time of the biggest economic downturn pretty much in history of the USA


> the downturn caused by the government power grab and destruction of individual freedoms.
This government has less power than the previous one, and has restored some of the freedoms the last one took - and protected freedoms all previous governments have denied. None of which is actually relevant since the only government actions that preceded the recession were DEREGULATION - that is to say, the exact OPPOSITE of what you are claiming. Like the depression, this recession was caused by reckless and outright fraudulent bankers.

Where it gets really ironic is that this issue is essentially unrelated to the economy in it's entirety. You can't have a free market around a natural monopoly - it's literally physically impossible.

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