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Comment Re:bs meter - yellow (Score 1) 319

Same as Chernobyl: Nuclear Hysteria -> early screening -> increase in detected cases. I don't think that the Ukrainian Health System is that good, however, according to the WHO, the recovery rate from thyroid cancer "caused" by the Chernobyl disaster is far higher than usual. That means one only thing: early screening.

Comment Re:Fuck you, MS (Score 1) 379

No, Sony confirmed that "PS4 games will be playable without an Internet connection". That pretty much nails it: this used game policy can only be enforced with an online DRM. That's why the Xbox One FAQ states:

Q: Does Xbox One require an “always on” Internet connection?
A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet. We’re designing Xbox One to be your all-in-one entertainment system that is connected to the cloud and always ready. We are also designing it so you can play games and watch Blu-ray movies and live TV if you lose your connection.

Comment Re:Words in common - Thai and English (Score 1) 323

And yet we have: patèr -> pappas (ancient Greek), pater -> papa (Latin), padre -> papà (Italian), père -> papa (French), but father -> dad (English). In German there are Vater and Papa, but Papa is a French loanword attested since the 15th century. In Latin we have also tata for dad, but after all "pater" is a p-t- sequence.

Comment Re:Words in common - Thai and English (Score 1) 323

As far as I know Greenberg's mass-comparison method wasn't so mass, it was limited to a statistically meaningful set of words that he thought were pretty "steady", that is numbers, familial words, basic actions like "to be", "to have", "to do", "to go" etc.
Obviously it all depends on the sample, however it is not a method for crackpots, if used correctly. It proved useful a few times.

Comment Re:As another interesting little aside... (Score 1) 323

Because "yes" and "no" are very recent words, they were not present in Latin or Ancient Greek for example. Usually they're shortcuts for expression like "so it is" or "it is not"; in Latin "sic" means "so", hence "sì" in Italian, Spanish and so on (even French). "Yes" and "yeah" are related to German "ja", take a look here: etymonline.

Comment Re:now we wait (Score 1) 586

The total Islamic population of France is probably under 10% - the total African and Islamic-descended population is under 15%. Even if ALL of those people wanted Sharia, they would be a tiny minority. I'm calling you on your thesis.

And so what? Those who wanted a theocracy during the Iranian revolution were a minority, still Iran became a theocracy. Same stuff for the Arabian Spring. Mussolini became prime minister with just 35 members of parliament on a total of 535. The Bolsheviks, despite their name, were a minority in the revolutionary forces. The sheer numbers do not matter, but being vocal matters, laissez-faire matters: religious and political extremism in Europe is on the rise.

Comment Re:Thank you, Apple! (Score 0) 291

So, to put it straight:
GPL "steals" code from BSD = your wife cheats on you and you feel ashamed because you know it and there's little you can do about it.
Close source "steals" code from BSD = your wife cheats on you and everybody knows and laughs at you, but you don't know so you're happy.

For some reason BSD zealots prefer the latter situation and don't know why everybody laughs at them.

Comment Re:Thank you, Apple! (Score 1) 291

Um what? Clang is open source. WebKit was open sourced by Apple. Under the GPL they are only obligated to release modifications to the original KHTML base code. They are under no obiligations to release JavascriptCore or WebCore but they did.

They actually are: JavascriptCore and WebCore are both under the LGPL and KHTML derived.

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