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Comment These are not the drones you are looking for... (Score 1) 150

These politicians drone on about security, and we are less safe, they drone on about freedom, for others, not you. The only drones I see, are the elected and non-elected officials squeezing us into smaller and smaller boxes that they can be ignored and forgotten about. The corporate drones want us asleep or dead. The worst droning is silence.

Comment Re:freedom... (Score 1) 374

"There are two scenarios in forcing someone to hand over information on an encrypted disk."

You should have stated up front that you were not talking about the U.S., because your points 1 and 2 do not match with actual U.S. law.

If you can't de-crypt it, you don't deserve to know what it says. Water-boarding is for script kiddies.

Comment Re:No form of power generation is without costs. (Score 1) 466

"What's an acceptable loss ratio?"

With the advent of the Patriot Act, NDAA, DHS buying billions of hollow point civilian killers ( if civilians were in possesion of these things, they would be labeled cop killers by the policy enforcers), the demise of the American people AND their symbol seems apropos.

Comment Re:Stupid Senator (Score 1) 80

Shouldn't these bought dogs be looking to balance the budget?

The deficit has been falling for years.

So has employment, buying power, intelligence levels compared to other countries. On the rise, unemployment, homelessness, death by war, death by starvation, death by out of control policy enforcers.

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