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Comment Re:$1000 worth of child care either way, taxed dif (Score 1) 259

Exactly, the whole point of that exercise is to determine if going to work is worth it, not paying less taxes. If, as you said, she end up poring her whole income in daycare there's nothing to gain (monetarily speaking that is, some may prefer to work). That is why I said bad example.

Comment Re: Why..... (Score 1) 259

No, even if they're in a higher tax bracket, they necessarily still have more money (as far as net income goes). That's the entire point of brackets instead of thresholds.

That's why I used "probably". (the certain events are a subset of probable events).

The cost of day care has nothing to do with taxes, so let's not make things more complicated than they need be. That one parent staying home to take care of kids is cheaper than sending kids to day care has nothing to do with taxes and everything to do with that parent's earning potential and the cost of day care. Even if taxes were 0% for everyone, it's still possible that having only one parent working would be more cost effective than having both parents work if the cost of day care exceeds the income of one of the parents. Orthogonal issues.

Again, that was exactly my point.

Comment Re: Why..... (Score 1) 259

An intelligent individual has more to learn from understanding the formal aspects of a system (as perfect or imperfect as it might be), vs. rushing to quick poor conclusions based on "slang" and ignorance.

"Dictionary definition" is not slang/street talk, AFAIK, may be I'm mistaken? With that said, I wasn't trying to redefine legally "tax evasion", or implying it was fact. If it wasn't clear enough, I'm sorry. That was my humble opinion. Let me rephrase is : doing so, in MY book is tax evasion.

Comment Re: Why..... (Score 1) 259

The mom that stays home has no revenue. Corporation X, that is doing what you described has overall has revenue (and fucking big one to boot). It is legal, but still a tax evasion, may not the legal definition of it, but the dictionary one: avoid paying taxes (in full or partially) on revenue. the mom staying at home does pay taxes (on X% of $0 is still $0).

Comment Re: Why..... (Score 2) 259

I personally know families in which the wife does not work and is stay-home mom because is "cheaper" vs. two working parents and kids in day care. This is because two spouses working would put them in a higher taxable income bracket which will also make them receive less or none of some tax deductions. Plus they will have to pay for day care. With the wife staying home, taxable income of just one working spouse is lower, there are higher tax deductions, and no day care costs. Tax evasion? No, simply a personal example of tax optimization.

Very bad example. even if they're in a higher tax bracket they'l probably still have more money. And I doubt that the reasoning goes like the way you described it. Most of the time it's because daycare is so expensive that the stay at home is the better choice (economically).

Comment Re:Is there no commandline? (Score 1) 345

nexus 5 (tried on galaxy nexus too). works with an otg cable and any USB flash drive. Lately I got one of those dual tiny thinggies (Normal USB on one end and OTG on the other). It's a bit slow (or so it seemed) but works. Using my own build (nothing custom except for the signing keys to lock the device)

Comment Re:Missing one key point (Score 1) 303

debian (unstable, which is a rolling release if you want) is not immune, you'll have to deal with upgrades that break things. The only difference is you'll deal with theme one (or few) at a time, which is not ideal but way better than what you encountered.
Plus, AFAIK, when dpk installs a new packages that has a different configuration file (in /etc/) it will stop and ask what to do (use new use old merge ...etc).

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