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Comment Re:MPAA backed SOPA (Score 1) 153

That's _PRECISELY_ what they want. They would prefer you don't "own" anything, but instead have to pay every time you access their media. As for those pesky "silver discs"...If the only media you have is DRM encumbered, they can force you to rebuy every few years by simply shutting down the existing validation servers (for some lame reason). THAT is big media's wet dream.

Comment Re:Crippled Hardware (Score 1) 549

And what do you do when the next version of UEFI won't _let_ you disable it? (as demanded by Microsoft) You are aware that Microsoft is supposedly the company that said "DOS isn't done until Lotus won't run." right?'t+run%22&btnG=Search+Books Their thoughts on sabotaging competitors are well known. If we don't make an issue of it NOW, things will continue down the "slippery slope" until Linux is just a memory and an entry on Wikipedia.

Comment Re:six hundred dollars? (Score 3, Insightful) 498

Apple is not "innovative"; they're good at stealing ideas, repackaging, and selling them. Steve Jobs, in his own words said: "We have always been shameless at stealing good ideas" Yes, the selling is doggone hard work, and Steve Jobs was one of the best salesmen this planet will ever see. And I will concede that other companies do their share of stealing too. Examples can always be found if you dig hard enough. But in this case, with such an obvious idea that a patent should never have been granted for, it's "pot kettle black" to Apple, as far as I'm concerned.

Comment Re:Survey? (Score 1) 349

How will "cloud computing" stop morons from installing virii and trojans on their desktop machines? Yes, "cloud computing" does away with the need for local tech staff to manage email and web servers... Google Apps does well for the company I work for. But local IT techs still have to maintain the network, and the end-user machines.

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