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Submission + - BlackBerry 7 sales stall, PlayBook sell-through sl (

zacharye writes: Research In Motion’s latest run of BlackBerry smartphones was reportedly well-received early on, with checks from a number of sources having indicated strong upgrade sales for several phone models. Demand has apparently been waning lately however, as strong competition from the likes of Android and Apple’s iPhone has drawn attention away from sleek new BlackBerry phones like the Bold 9900. Now, more bad news comes from a firm that has historically seen RIM’s glass as being half full while other investment banks were telling their clients to head for the hills...

Submission + - OnLive entering DaaS market ( 1

MrSeb writes: "If you have never used OnLive, the streaming, cloud-based gaming service, let me tell you about its most surprising feature: It actually works. Somehow, despite the fact that all of the computation and rendering is done on a remote server, and that the graphics and audio have to be encoded and sent across the internet, gaming with OnLive is really very good. Now, however — starting in 2012 — OnLive wants to tap into the real money: It wants to use its technology to provide the PC desktop as a service. It wants to give you access to Photoshop running on a high-end server, from the OnLive client on your laptop, smartphone, or TV. Just like OnLive for games, which replaces an expensive Xbox 360 or PS3 with a "mini console" for your TV (or just an app on your Windows or Mac computer), OnLive DaaS would mean that a business would only ever have to buy minimum-spec computers for its employees. Instead of investing in expensive workstations that can run Final Cut Pro or Photoshop, all a business needs is a big display attached to an internet-connected thin client capable of decoding OnLive's signal. Imagine the smile on the IT admin's face when you tell him that the only software he ever has to update is the OnLive client. If your company still has an IT admin after switching to OnLive, that is..."

Comment Re:Movies (Score 1) 440

I see that you've conceded your original point, that tablets are too expensive for most people. You even admit you're getting ready to buy one yourself, as soon as the newest, fanciest, most expensive one comes out!!!

thank you for agreeing with me that you were incorrect before.

Comment Re:Movies (Score 1) 440

Tablets are nice but not really a viable solution for most people because of the price.

[[citation needed]], i.e. I call shenanigans.

iPad 2 $500

refurbished iPad $300

Kindle Fire $200

Another way to put it, since you have a bro-crush on your spinning media, a kindle fire = 8 DVDs. so unless you live in a favela, it's hard to justify the claim "not really viable for most people."

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