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Submission + - Samsung Gives Free Phones to iPhone Users (

billsayswow writes: CNN has a story from Wired about how many iPhone 4 users who voiced their complaints on Twitter were contacted by Samsung, and offered a free Samsung Galaxy S, a new phone that runs Android 2.1, if possible with their carrier and contract. Samsung themselves have confirmed that this is a legitimate offer, and not a scam.

A spokesperson for Samsung: "Recently there has been a real increase in online activity from consumers dissatisfied with some of our competitors' products. We decided to contact a cross section of individuals to offer them a free Samsung Galaxy S as a replacement, as we're confident that once people have the phone in their hands, they'll see how impressive it is for themselves."

Comment Hey now! (Score 1) 571

We're still as creative as ever! Anytime we don't have enough rainfall for our crops, we were creative enough to realize that we could just spray them with Brawndo. Brawndo has what plants crave!

It takes creativity to figure that out.

Comment Re:Excellent call! (Score 1) 1115

Of course we all know Britney Spears, she has a whole team of publicists, and the mutually-dependent parasites called 'tabloid journalists' whose job it is to make sure we don't forget her!

Of course, her star will fade soon... just in time for VH1 to do a "We Love The 00's" and FOX to do "Celebrity Boxing 19", pitting her against Christina Aguilera.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Fark Creator Slams 'the Wisdom of Crowds' 507

GovTechGuy writes with some harsh words from founder Drew Curtis, speaking at a conference Tuesday in Washington, DC: "'The "wisdom of the crowds" is the most ridiculous statement I've heard in my life. Crowds are dumb,' Curtis said. 'It takes people to move crowds in the right direction, crowds by themselves just stand around and mutter.' Curtis pointed to his own experience moderating comments on Fark, which allows users to give their often humorous take on the news of the day. He said only one percent of Web comments have any value and called the rest 'garbage.' Another example Curtis pointed to is the America Speaking Out website recently launched by House Republicans to allow the public to weigh in on the issues and vote for policy positions they support. Curtis called the site an 'absolute train wreck.' 'It's an absolute disaster. It's impossible to tell who was kidding and who wasn't,' Curtis said."

Comment Heh, interesting. (Score 1) 427

So now rather than having a case for your phone be an accessory, they... are indirectly making you go and purchase one. I mean, not exactly as strong as wording as that, but... if that's how you hold your phone, especially if you're a lefty or something, you kinda need one. Yay accessory sales.

It just occurs to me, though, that if buying a case for it is the way to go about fixing the problem, couldn't they have just... buried the antenna inside the device's actual case? Or put more body around it? Oh, of course not, then the device wouldn't look as lovely. I guess form truly no longer follows function.

Comment Aside from the obvious... (Score 2, Interesting) 325

Aside from the obvious problem of people sending lame pictures to your printer all the time, or spamlists getting a hold of your email address, the thing that bothers me the most is:

"rather than merely emailing links around, users can email a photo to a friend's printer."

Am I the only one who sees this as an almost-desperate bid to get people to print more out in an increasingly printless world? Think about all the people you know, and all the random images that you link back and forth. And now imagine if you spent the ink of a full-colour 5x7" on every LOLcats that came to you. And now imagine how much ink you'll be burning through.

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