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Comment Re:Computer Scientists in lab coats (Score 1) 139

Actually not the reason people where lab coats is to stop thier clothes getting dirty/ruined by chemicals etc also there is a status thing going on as blue collar workers will probably be in overalls a white coat marks you out as a "professional" why do you think Abby wears a lab coat in NCIS - part of its is to mark her out as senior.

Comment Re:Job titles (Score 1) 139

And its been around for ages i was hired onto a BT billing dev team as a devops guy as I was a SYSAD on primes I was the insurance policy in case the actual operators wouldn't play nice :-)

Comment Re:Let me get this straight: (Score 1) 362

And it has a wider social benefit in taking cars off the road reducing congestion and pollution - if i where Google id be tempted to offer interest free loans an tell people go down the ford dealer and get your self a mustang super snake and if your an engineer and dont appreciate some nice automotive muscle we we shouldn't have employed you hears for performance improvement plan.

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