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Submission + - NY Times removes ex President Bush from Selma Bridge picture ( 2

Bruce66423 writes: In a move worthy of Orwell's Ministry of Truth, the presence of President Bush in the group crossing the Selma bridge was expunged in the version of the picture published by the NY Times. Defence counsels everywhere rejoice; you can present this as evidence that your favourite politician was also committing the crime your client is accused of — but his presence in the CCTV footage has been removed.

Comment It's not safe to ride listening to a book (Score 1) 304

If you are going to avoid being murdered by an idiot car driver, you need to keep your wits about you, and you can't safely listen to an audiobook - or even music; you need to be alert to audible clues that you may be getting into a dangerous position.

[Rode to work for 15 years...]

Submission + - Scotland's police lose data because of programmer's error

Bruce66423 writes:
records how a computer programmer deleted over 20,000 records from a live data base which had to be restored by manual reentry. The idea that a LARGE police force should be so lacking in meaningful backups casts serious doubt on the competence of the organisation. However it might also encourage other to FOI their local police about data backup strategies — AND WHEN THEY WERE LAST TESTED!!

Comment Christian fundamentalists will smile knowingly (Score 4, Interesting) 168

They've been predicting this technology for decades, based on the 'mark of the beast' being necessary to buy anything

[The Beast] also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. (Rev 13:16,17)

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