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Comment Re:But, but, you're using logic and science (Score 2) 328

High drivers go right through red lights. I've been in the car with friends on a number of occasions where I had to yell at them to stop for a red light because they were either spaced out on their pot or they were paying attention the the next light over and not the one immediately in front of us.

So yeah. I'm calling bullshit on this "study". I know from first hand experience that pot affects people's ability to drive.

The alternative theory being that you hang out with inattentive morons. But that might say something negative about you ('birds of a feather' and all), so your mind automatically blocked it.

Comment So... (Score 1) 154

So if a media corporation were to steal someone else's art (like that YouTube rapper whose name escapes me), does that mean that under the TPP the board members of said media corporation would be doing hard time and paying millions in fines?

Or should I go ahead and create a craigslist ad for the Brooklyn Bridge?

Comment "Linked To" (Score 1) 365

"Linked To" does not equal "Definitely Causes." Cmon, this is slashdot, we're supposed to be smart and see through the weasel words.

Remember, these are the same people trying their damndest to convince the world vaporizers are just as bad or worse than tobacco, even with a complete lack of evidence.

Comment Re:I've got this (Score 2) 400

An Argument For Not Taking Down Horrific Videos

Freedom of speech.

There done. Issue solved. Next?

Freedom of speech doesn't mean providing someone a soap box.

True, but it does mean that you have a right to provide someone a soapbox regardless of how much someone else might not want to hear them.

Comment Re:I've got this (Score 1) 400

Because that's not what ISIS wants - they want everyone to either join their cause, or die. Sacrificing the freedom we believe in for whatever reason is not helping them win, but it is helping us lose.

Side note, if you have that much of a problem with people getting entertainment from the suffering g of others, I suggest writing a sternly worded letter to the producers of the TV show "COPS."

Also, every Japanese game show ever.

Comment Re: I've got this (Score 1) 400

Can't say I disagree with a "no kids on the internet" policy.

Seems the perfect solution - society doesn't have to worry about censoring content to appease shitty parents, shitty parents don't have to worry about the internet fucking up their kids, and can refocus their energy on the schools or whatever other scapegoat they use as an excuse for shitty parenting.

Comment Re: I've got this (Score 1) 400

Parents don't control their children's access 24/7. Never have, never will. If you believe a parent can do so, you're living in a fantasyland.

Which is why it is the duty of their parents to teach them right and wrong, so they don't don't end up getting their sense of morality from shit they see on the internet.

Comment Re: I've got this (Score 2) 400

If you're letting children browse the internet without supervision, they're going to be the ones who end up needing professional help.

Raising your kid the way you think is right is your job, not society's. If that includes shielding them from horrifying imagery, then shield them, but don't demand society shield everyone because you are too lazy/incompetent/whatever to rear a child properly with the assistance and cooperation of 7 billion other people.

And if you're worried about them seeing these things while outside your influence, might I suggest you do a better job teaching them right from wrong, so you won't have to worry about them getting their morality from YouTube videos.

Comment Re: I've got this (Score 1) 400

Puff the magic dragon is not a "fairy tale dragon." Fairy tale dragons are draconian creatures from ancient tales designed to teach children safety and morals.

Puff the magic dragon is a mid-20th century allegory for getting high by smoking marijuana, written by hippies in the 1960s and set to music.

Comment Re:I've got this (Score 1) 400


Censoring ISIS recruiting videos is very clearly not in favor of ISIS and the only freedom it removes is one's freedom to get brainwashed by Muslim extremists.

There is no slippery slope here. Ban all videos put out by an organization called ISIS that feature executions. Who (that was care about) would be harmed by this action?

When did Goebbels create a slashdot account?

Comment Re:Censorship at /., HN, Reddit. (Score 1) 400

Nothing on slashdot is censored - browse at -1 to see every comment regardless of moderation. Posting limits are ties to karma, and designed to limit trollbots (so we're not scrolling through 10,000 MyCleanPC and goatse posts on every thread), not censor discussions.

Your butthurt, though allowed and uncensored, is misplaced.

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