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Comment Re:Mixed blessing (Score 1) 334

I just hope we don't end up seeing a massive BSOD glowing over Wyoming.

Sigh, Nuclear reactors already run on Windows (not even joking), so I wouldn't hold my breath. ... Actually I would hold my breath. Do NOT breath in the glowing BSOD.

Sorry, but that is just the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.

Comment Re:Can it compete with solar on price? (Score 1) 334

The point here though is that the criticism given for solar is that it can't produce sufficient power at all times it's needed, but the simple fact is that this nuclear plant can't either.

You don't seem to understand this at all.

The solar plant produces 0% at night. The nuclear plant produces 100% all the time. When only 70% is in use during the daytime, the nuclear plant can store that extra 30% and then produce up to 145% at night when the solar plant isn't working at all. This is a huge benefit in power grids because they have to be designed for maximum load which can be somewhat transient and short lived at times.

You have a technology giving 145% and you use that to complain that it is slacking off. How ridiculous.

Comment Re:Enjoy (Score 0) 50

> What Twitter did to inflict this on themselves was operating in India

I think unfairly censoring their own users also helps remove any possible protections you would expect the "press" or common carriers to have.

So no, being unfair does help others be unfair against you. Kind of like walking outside isn't the only thing making you cold when you left your pants down as well.

Comment Re:"inhibit free, open public conversation" (Score 3, Insightful) 50

The joke is that twitter does not promote free, open, public discourse and then is surprised when someone else does it to them.

If they behaved fairly, then some of the "press" protections might kick in. But seeing as they don't protect anyone else, there is no one left to protect them.

Good luck Twitter. You're going to need it.

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