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Comment Re:ALL copyright is a restriction on free speech. (Score 2, Informative) 431

No, copyright at its core is a system to ensure those who spent months writing books didnt get fucked just cause the guy next door has a printing press and could, hypothetically make and sell as many copies as possible. Thats not to say the system hasnt been corrupted in such a way that allows it to be abused in the way you described.

Comment Re:Where's the applications? (Score 1) 271

Define instantaneous when simultaneity is relative. Would you be able to communicate with people in the past from really far away? If you were in a spaceship and you were going really fast (good fraction of c) would your voice get all deep in a FTL transmission? If ou wer going c and you turned the headlights on...

Comment The real reason... (Score 1) 412

The reason this is happening is that apple products are not sold with a markup. Ipods that are sold in stores for $300 are sold TO the stores for $300. Meaning the only money the stores make is on the overprices accessories (also the reason the accessories cost so damned much anyway). Maybe apple should rethink its distribution method and stop raping vendors.

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