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Comment Re:Ignorance on display (Score 3, Insightful) 337

what are the benefits of Wayland for the end users. No benefit for users. What can I do with Wayland that I couldn't do with Xorg?

You can have a display server with 10% of the code and 10% of the bugs!

TELL US MORE about how pruning dead code and reducing the number of bugs is not a benefit for the user.

TELL US MORE about the benefits of maintaining DEAD UNUSABLE remote code! WHY should users put up with the performance issues associated with years and years of X lossage?

Comment remote X is garbage anyway (Score 5, Interesting) 337

Everybody says "ooh noooo don't kill remote X windows! it's the best!"

except for one thing: IT SUCKS.

Have you ever tried to actually USE remote X? It's just beyond horrible.

The failure is that X was designed for low-latency between the display and the application, and that use case is just not very useful.

In reality the display and the application are connected over a high-latency link and X is UNUSABLE in this context.

VNC does not assume a low-latency link and so it remains responsive and pleasant even over a crappy ADSL connection.

Go ahead and TRY to use Firefox remotely over your ISP connection. It's just a pathetic joke and you will kill it out of frustration before even a single page loads.

Try the exact same thing with a VNC connection and it works just fine.

Comment Re:Why not X? (Score 0) 337

It is and remains -the- standard way for UNIX applications to get a graphical user interface.

Yeah let's just FORGET ALL ABOUT OSX, it is UNIX and it has a graphical user interface!

And if OSX is not "standard" well then WHY are "standard" UNIX applications like emacs and firefox written for it?

X Windows is also the standard way for VMS applications to get a user interface, but you neglected to mention this valuable addition to your pathetic argument.

Comment Ignorance on display (Score 4, Informative) 337

You're just betraying your ignorance of Wayland. Wayland does NOT replace X windows. In fact Wayland was designed from scratch so that an X server can run in wayland WITH NO PERFORMANCE PENALTY.

So with Wayland you can STILL run your old legacy X11 apps and get decent performance too!

Win win all around! What is the downside?

Comment Re:It's all good and interesting... (Score 2) 44

One unfortunate thing is its an inch around. A hair smaller (24 mm?) and it would fit in a "one inch" model rocket tube.

The design is open source. Download the gerber files, edit them and send away for your own boards. There are low-volume low-cost options like batchpcb and iteadstudios and you can have the boards you want for just a few dollars.

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