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Comment Re:2001 memories. (Score 1) 160

That figures. The car bailouts were much cheaper and probably didn't matter as much to the 1%.

Rich people love to fly everywhere, so surely they aren't going to make them pay it all back.

A new car costs thousands. Airline tickets to a lot of domestic destinations are under $100. Are you confused which of these benefits which income level?

Comment Re:I think both are over-rated (Score 1) 90

Although I thought Endgame was impressive from a story perspective, bringing so many story lines and characters together in a final climax

We need to be super ultra careful not to disturb the time line! Oh but the villain will come forward in time skipping when he caused the main problem and we'll kill him then.

Comment Re:What else did the IIHS omit? (Score 1) 139

The IIHS does note that it did not take into account the following distances while using ACC, which drivers can control (in increments of 1 and 5 mph).

That's a huge omission in their analysis.

That's because they apparently don't even understand it at all. ACC is controllable in terms of following seconds, not mph. WTF is mph in terms of following distance; at best it could be a closing rate but that's not what one sets with these systems.

Comment Re:Differentials, not absolutes (Score 1) 139

The last car I used it in had 3 distance settings; too close, way too close and OMGWTFWHYARE YOU SO CLOSE. Naturally the last one was the default setting.

On an open road, by the time i'd be close enough for the adaptive adjustment would kick in I've already entirely disengaged cruise control to maintain distance. In stop-and-go traffic it might be nice, but how many models have adaptave cruise control that goes all the way down to zero and stays engaged?

Could you be more specific what kind of car gave you this experience? My Subaru's ACC default follow along is far enough behind that someone is frequently cutting in front of me due to the gap. Also, it goes all the way down to zero though a mild tap on the gas is needed to let it know you're ready for it to resume if it stops more than a couple of seconds.

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