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Comment Re:The Crichton Diet (Score 1) 187

I don't know. These things were basically hunted to extinction. So they may be pretty delicious or it might just be that a Mammoth hunt was a comparatively easy way to get the whole tribe fed all at once, with left overs to store.

For people who lived on the prehistoric tundra, anything they could get was pretty delicious.

Comment Re:"LONG extinct"? Hah. (Score 1) 187

Would a nearby supernova that happened to sterilize Earth be evil?

Depends on whether your definition of "evil" requires malicious intent or is just anything that turns out really badly for you. A natural supernova would be extremely unfortunate. Aliens causing the supernova to wipe out competition would be evil.

Comment Re:Probably... (Score 1) 794

..because despite catering to psuedoscientists, Whole Foods tends to stock quality (if overpriced) food.

Overpriced, I'll agree with, but quality? Almost all the fresh produce has "conventially grown in Mexico" in very small print under the high price. The majority of the organic food there is in the packaged and preserved sections.

Comment Re:How does press freedom drop because of leaks? (Score 1) 357

This is a common misconception; reporters are free to report anything, but must face consequences if they choose to report state secrets and that includes who gave the reporter state secrets. Lately the whole question of what makes up a legit state secret comes into play and that's become a rather serious issue. But the reporters and their sources are not like Catholic confessional.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

Not much room for lots of admirals and diplomats at the top.

Are you kidding? It seems every episode that needs an admiral has a different one. Star Fleet always seemed remarkably top heavy.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

If you can convert energy to matter and have a near limitless source of energy, where's your limitation?

Creating the energy in the first place is the limitation. Where do they get all that anti-matter? And while exploding anit-matter against matter releases a lot of energy,even if the energy to matter conversion process were lossless it would take whopping piles of it to make any noticable amount of matter.Create 5 pounds anti-matter by unknown process, convert it to heck a lot of energy, converted to 5 pounds normal matter seems like a lot of hoops to jump through.

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