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Comment Re:HIPAA - SHMIPAA (Score 5, Informative) 319

I actually am a physician, and work at a hospital with electronic records. We do not have, nor have I ever worked at a hospital the does have, an independent set of computers with medical records, separate from ones to use for other purposes. The work-flow is just not feasible with such a system, which would require us to look things up on one computer while referencing and typing notes into another one, while dozens of other people walk around the unit trying to do the same thing.

If you really want your mind blown, many electronic medical record systems run through internet browsers, and are not compatible with anything other than IE.

Oh, and I can access it from home with an RSA key if Clean-client thinks my machine looks OK.

Locking down sounds good to some of you, but it would break the workflow in a medical system that is already operating near the breaking point.


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