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Comment Re:Nice country list ... (Score 1) 179

Here's a list of population and GDP pulled from wikipedia against the entire country list:

Austria 8,452,835 $419,243

Belgium 10,951,266 $513,396

Croatia 4,290,612 $63,842

Finland 5,410,550 $266,553

France 65,350,000 $2,776,324

Greece 10,787,690 $303,065

Ireland 4,588,252 $217,669

The Netherlands 16,736,075 $840,433

Portugal 10,561,614 $238,880

Spain 46,185,697 $1,493,513

Sweden 9,495,113 $538,237

Total: 192,809,704 $7,671,155


Canada 34,819,500 $1,736,869

Comment Re:Technocrats (Score 1) 326

Will that ever work? Doubtful. Is it becoming more likely in the US? Hell no. But it is more complicated than "I want politicians who think like me," and it's disingenuous to paint this that way. We would be much better off if we didn't have the witch hunts, security theater, censorship, racism, and all other unfortunate little problems caused by people thinking with their crotch and not their head.

It's not that I want politicians to think like me. I just want them to think.

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