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Comment Re:They've got a lot of catching up to do... (Score 1) 431

Do you group your books by predominant color of the cover and texture? Or do you group them by subject matter, wether you read them already, wether you would read them again, size, that sort of stuff? The whole idea of human "races" is kind of broken.

I have books with small print that are stupid, I have books with big colorful pictures which are smart. Selecting them by superficial criteria like that, stuff like "is the page count a multiple of 11?" is just hurting yourself.

We operate by finding patterns of large data sets and then manipulating the patterns.

That is literally how our species thinks.

Yup. And our thinking gets *better* by repeating that process. Maybe even reflecting a little, trying to find patterns in the patterns we think we see. Maybe in some dark age it was really important to trust the person who looks like you more than a tree, a lion or a person who is painted in a completely different way (I dare guess that in the times that stuff evolved biologically, differences in skin tone probably played exactly no role). But things quickly got way more complex than that. Using symbols made our thinking powerful, yes, but confusing symbols with things can also become more costly than useful real quick.

Comment Re:How do you know the company is dying? (Score 1) 204

What I really resent OKCupid for is that popup for Firefox users. Thanks, useless random website the internet could do without, for helping fuck up something actually necessary. Yeah it was not their call that Eich resigned, he did that - but they still what they did, riding the dick of this issue for brownie points, either not caring or not having the faintest clue how precious the few remaining players for a free internet are. Anyone reading this who cheered for this, you're a poopy head.

If only "referral traffic from OKCupid" was a thing! Then I'd patronize anyone coming from there, and set a cookie that they're stupid and should be made fun of henceforth. That would show them.

Comment Re:Um, no? (Score 1) 311

Muad'Dib is wise in the ways of the desert. Muad'Dib creates his own water. Muad'Dib hides from the sun and travels in the cool night. Muad'Dib is fruitful and multiplies over the land. Muad'Dib we call 'instructor-of-boys.' That is a powerful base on which to build your life, Paul Muad'Dib, who is Usul among us.

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1, Insightful) 632

Presumably it is the estate they are going after, and as beneficiaries of the estate they are responsible for the debts of the estate.

Of course this many years later it is impossible to try and defend yourself, particularly as the law *was* that 10 year old debts disappeared, so you could destroy any paperwork from the estate from before 2003 or 2004, and now have no paperwork trail to try and defend yourself with (assuming you had one to begin with, given that inheriting an estate comes with inheriting whatever recording keeping was done, which may have been terrible).

Comment Re:Um, no? (Score 1) 311

Well, if you have a, say, rectangular lawn, and you start making a circle -- imagine the Japanese flag with the inner circle being bigger and touching the edges -- what then? How can you cut the four remaining separate (and very awkwardly shaped) corner bits while still coming out ahead?

Or maybe not a literal circle was meant, but more like going from the outside to the inside, in a spiraling fashion, with 90Â degree turns instead of the regular ones?

Comment Re:Africa, eh? (Score 1) 112

"Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home."

Now here I go,
Hope I don't break down,
I won't take anything, I don't need anything,
Don't want to exist, I can't persist,
Please stop before I do it again,
Just talk about nothing, let's talk about nothing,
Let's talk about no one, please talk about no one, someone, anyone

You and me have a disease,
You affect me, you infect me,
I'm afflicted, you're addicted,
You and me, you and me


Comment Re:I thought current consoles were like current PC (Score 2) 117

It boggles the mind at how poor these developers must be if they can't even target known hardware, console-style, and get good performance out of the thing.

It boggles the mind why Microsoft put shitty laptop CPU ram in a gaming device.

The devs are trying to find a balance point between visual quality (memory taken) and performance (memory bandwidth) but the 68GB/s memory bandwidth on the XB3 is way too low. IMO the 175 ish on the PS4 is too low too. For 30 FPS remember that only means you can have 2GB of stuff on screen at a time, for 60... well, 1 GB of stuff. (That's not counting AI and Audio).

Yes, sure, the dev's need to make a game for it, but that's really hard to do when basically it's going to be like running the game on very low on the XB2, low on the XB3 and very high on even a mid range PC with a dedicated GPU that isn't terrible.

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