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Comment Re:I'm sure (Score 1) 54

You can't do this for the webservers, because you build these datacenters to be closer to the users. To improve latency.

So you are not going to increase latency to save power.

I believe I heared someone from Google mention they do this for certain batch jobs, but I could be mistaken.

The problem might be: you can only move such workloads if you have the data in the other datacenter too and the data is up to date enough.

Comment Re:what about android? (Score 1) 371

Wasn't it made clear that: one of the things Oracle wanted to do is sue Google over Android when they bought Sun ?

That didn't work out, though. So their use for 'buying' Java has diminished greatly.

So, I think Oracle will eventually just say: we don't care about Java anymore.

This could be a good thing, but might be a bad thing.

Al though, most of it is open source/free software now, so it might be OK.

Comment Re:minutes to midnight (Score 4, Interesting) 252

You might think it is funny, but this really is sort of the plan of Putin.

It has always been his plan, from the start.

He never made a secret of it and clearly states that this is what he is trying to do.

It might not be communism he wants. What he wants a is strong Russia, a country other countries respect (maybe this can be explained as: fear).

Which includes re-integrating most of the former USSR countries.

Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 2) 790

I'm surprised people don't even know these things.

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook have all agreed in the past to check images in their image search service if certain people are shown in the image. They are indexing and scanning them anyway, might as well check if they match some kind of list.

It was some kind of wanted-criminals list from the FBI I believe.

So why not include more people or missing children or whatever on that list too ? Why not include email as well ? It's all for the greater good, right ?

Comment Re:Great! (Score 3, Informative) 60

I'm not sure what you mean, but MultiPath-TCP is about combining different technologies.

So one part of the stream will run over Comcast, sure. But an other part will be transfered of 3G/LTE/whatever...

In that case Comcast isn't going to get the whole stream. Good luck with your IDS and deep packet inspection.

Al though most deep packet inspection problem looks for port-numbers, HTTP Host-headers, HTTPS SNI names and destination IP-addresses anyway. So impact in that case might not be that bad.

An other use case for MultiPath-TCP is roaming without dropping a connection. So for example, going from one WiFi to an other Wifi network without interruption.

If that is a different provider again Comcast won't see the whole stream.

Comment Re:A/B Testing (Score 1) 161

I honestly don't know.

They do say: opposites attract. :-)

Really: we don't know how well this online dating thing really works. Isn't really all that clear cut as people make it out to be. They are just guessing. And they know it this. So them trying out different approaches isn't as different as what they normally do as you think.

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