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Comment Re:Eh, that's it? (Score 1) 619

What about S2 owners? What's your advice for them?

Throw away your ludicrously old-fashioned phone immediately and buy the new shiny phone before you lose all your friends, your wife runs off with the milkman (who has an S4 already) and your kids sue you for mental anguish caused by being unfashionable.

+1 Informative

Comment Re:You see, problem with free movies is... (Score 1) 109

GP must go to the right theaters, that don't play blockbusters... In the city I live: http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/programa_new/indexbusca.cfm?Unidade_ID=2&data=0&Atividade_ID=0&olodum=1&first=1&Contador=1&page=1&Palavra=>http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/programa_new/indexbusca.cfm?Unidade_ID=2&data=0&Atividade_ID=0&olodum=1&first=1&Contador=1&page=1&Palavra= http://www.bb.com.br/portalbb/page501,128,10163,0,0,1,1.bb?&codigoMenu=9904&codigoMenu=9899 http://cinemateca.gov.br/ http://www.usp.br/cinusp/

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