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Comment Re:Ridiculous! (Score 5, Interesting) 590

You are using archaic myths to justify misogyny.

Right, because slapping big tits on a female character to appeal to creepy nerds is the height of enlightenment and anti-misogyny.

Taking a historic Superhero character and making it a woman is a good thing. The industry needs fewer people like you, and more young girls.

Sure, it would be if she wasn't made to have the same ridiculous and unrealistic body proportions that no woman can live up to. Same with not having your female characters just be simply riding the coattails of a popular male character. If they really believed the nonsense they are spewing they would have created an original character without ridiculous things like the huge tits. As it is, this is just comics sexism disguised as "empowerment".

Comment Re:To what end? (Score 1) 219

The USA is risking to loose one of the few remaining friends it has in the world.

Sure, if you're naive enough to think the government outrage is real and not just a show for the plebes. In the real world, the German government will continue to share information and use the NSA as an information source. They'll just try to continue to work towards making sure they are not being spied from now on.

Comment Re:I don't blame them for being mad. (Score 5, Informative) 219

And yet their own intelligence agencies have no issue with sharing and working with the NSA.


Germany's government was perfectly fine with the NSA's surveillance until they found out they were being spied on too. It's faux outrage meant to deflect people's attention from them being in bed with the NSA for years.

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