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Submission + - University of North Florida DB Hacked (securityweek.com)

wiredmikey writes: A foreign hacker managed to break into a database containing the personal information of high school and college students at the University of North Florida. A total of 106,884 people could have been impacted by this breach and it was disclosed that 52,853 had their names and social security numbers compromised. The University notified thousands of students that may have had their names, Social Security numbers and dates of birth compromised due to a data breach on a university computer server.

The Spread of Do-It-Yourself Biotech 206

zrbyte writes "Are you an electronics hobbyist or a garden shed tinkerer? If so, then move aside, because there's a new kid on the block: the DIY biotechnologist. The decreasing price of biotech instrumentation has made it possible for everyday folks (read: biotech geeks) with a few thousand dollars to spare to equip their garages and parents' basements with the necessary 'tools of the trade.' Some, like PCR machines, are available on eBay; other utensils are hacked together from everyday appliances and some creativity. For example: microscopes out of webcams and armpit E. coli incubators. Nature News has an article on the phenomenon, describing the weird and wonderful fruits of biotech geek ingenuity, like glow-in-the-dark yogurt. One could draw parallels with the early days of computer building/programming. It may be that we're looking at a biotech revolution, not just from the likes of Craig Venter, but from Joe-next-door hacking away at his E. coli strain. What are the Steve Wozniaks of biotech working on right now?"

Comment Re:I welcome our OS IX overlords (Score 1) 349

So, you say there are only 7 big cats, and then proceed to list 6 of them. What's the seventh???

You didn't technically list Panther (10.3), which is the Genus of Jaguar (10.2), Tiger (10.4), Leopard (10.5), and Lion (10.7).

If we're allowed to use the Genus, we can still have Acinonyx (10.8), Uncia (10.9), and Neofelis (10.10). Unfortunately Puma was already used for 10.1 (but not Cougar, which is in the Genus Puma.)

Confused yet? I certainly am. Perhaps they should have used the Seven Dwarfs. Then this would be OS X 10.7 Doc.

Comment That's me (Score 1) 608

Yep... I got tired of being in a place that hasn't had raises in quite a while (since a few years before I came...) so I started applying everywhere. I ended up with an interview, and am expecting to hear if I got the job tomorrow. The cool part is the pay is likely a 20% raise over what I'm making now.

Although, I've also read that my generation tends to change jobs on average once every 2 years... so maybe it's just time.

Comment Re:Greed (Score 4, Informative) 434

The whole commercial thing goes back a long way. Television used to be free, over the air. Consumers were promised that paying for cable would keep the content commercial-free. Then the media companies got greedy, and stuck advertising in there anyway... It's not like we have much of an alternative.

I don't watch shows until around 15 minutes after they come on, so that I can start at the beginning and fast forward through the commercials.

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