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Comment Re:Entitled Asshole Mentality (Score 1) 199

Why is it wrong to for them to make a profit? I understand and sympathize with the criticisms of the entertainment industries which constantly pushing for harsher laws, but the other major side of this fight expects it to be a charity. I don't see (very many) people seriously demanding car companies start selling cars at cost.

Comment Re:Entitled Asshole Mentality (Score 1) 199

Scientists that give their work away for free are almost invariably funded by the government. May I assume that you have no objection to supporting movie studios by taxes? Of course, to match this completely, the government should also have some say in what gets funded, just as with scientific research.

Comment Re:Unlimited personal liability? Insanity (Score 4, Insightful) 348

Stockholders do not manage the company. They vote for the board of directors, which manages the rest. Only in special circumstances, like an offer to privatize the company, do the votes have any direct effect.

Then they aren't held accountable for what they told the company to do.

Should citizen voters be liable for prison time if they elect a senator who turns out to be corrupt?

Comment Re:Its Easy (Score 1) 384

Ah, so it is; looks like I won't be putting my /. profile and excellent karma on my resume after all.... I got so caught up getting my <s and my >s right on the first try that I completely forgot that it wasn't the same as a regular closing tag. I've also decided to learn HTML past the XHTML that I picked up long ago. To anyone who was looking at my post for insight into the inner workings of web technologies: please forgive me -- I have failed you.

Comment Re:Its Easy (Score 1) 384

Yeah, I realized that after I hit submit. I wrote the first scenario after the second, then realized that `contractor' would be ambiguous and changed it to `carpenter' without thinking about it. It was wrong.

I am sorry.

Also, I was forced to use non-compliant markup (<br> rather than </br>) because SlashCode is shit, I forgot to use `TeX Quotes', and I left out an example of a shitty contractor that I had been planning on including.

I apologize for this as well.

Comment Re:Its Easy (Score 1) 384

I'm not saying to write unfair contracts, just one that says "contractor will work with the client to implement X in exchange for Y$ per hour". Then, when they hire a consultant that gives them a 5000 page report detailing why they'll get 1000% better performance if they prefix all their classes with the client companies name, don't argue with them; just do it. If you were a carpenter and the homeowners changed their minds from White #001042051 to White #001042052, you wouldn't argue back that the difference is physically imperceivable to the human eye, you'd add a molecule of black to ten gallons of white and charge for it.

I'm not arguing that you should be out to do a shitty job and suck money from customers, just that if they want to piss money away, let them piss some on you.

Submission + - Candy Crush Makers Establishes themselves as Trademark Troll 1

An anonymous reader writes: A full four months before popular mobile game Candy Crush was released, an almost identical game, Candy Swipe was published. Runsome Apps, the publishers of Candy Swipe, also got a trademark on the the word "Candy" for use in games, and opposed the trademark application of Candy Crush. To get around this, Royal Games, formerly King and publisher of Candy Crush, from an older company whose game bears no resemblance to either of the games in question. Today, Runsome Apps has given up the fight.

Submission + - MPAA Head Chris Dodd: I'm Willing To Discuss Copyright Reform As Long As Nothing (

An anonymous reader writes: Chris Dodd, head of the MPAA, has decided that, 16 years after the Napsterpocalypse (which singlehandedly killed the recording and motion picture industries, both of which are now nothing but vague memories for pre-Gen Xers), it's time to meet the tech industry in the middle and start working together.

But, as is Dodd's way, "in the middle" means drawing a line inches away from the MPAA's position and "working together" means making heavy concessions to the incumbent industries.

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