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Comment Re:"Publish or die" killed the science star (Score 1) 112

Or maybe the fact that there are more scientists publishing today than there were 20 years ago.

The article not the study, completely ignores one fact. The world population has tripled in 70 years. More papers being published is a result of more people existing. While not the sole reason, it is something to remember.

It does make me wonder if we're hitting some sort of plateau where its just too hard to be a generalist in any field anymore. Like, is physics too specialized now that we won't see another Einstein who mastered multiple fields of physics?

Keep in mind, the early thinkers where often philosophers who where expert in ALL the fields of science, mathematics AND humanities, and would write wide ranging books covering all the fields and innovating in all the fields. This, I suggest is now completely impossible for one person to achieve.

Comment Re:HOWTO (Score 1) 1081

Because for all the shady conspiracy theories around, most drug manufacturers actually see themselves as being in the business of saving lives. The hypocrates oath and all that. Yeah I know, shocking stuff. But I'm pretty much a socialist so I'm *wired* to distrust corporations and even I can see why a company might see this sort of thing as unethical.

Comment Re: HOWTO (Score 5, Insightful) 1081

I truly think we're in terrifying territory when "We can't afford to keep this perfectly healthy guy alive so lets kill him" is even part of the conversation.

Rehabilitate and release. If they can't be rehabilitated, move them into psychiatric care because they are clearly broken.

But don't kill. Its 2015. We're supposed to be *better* than that.

Comment Re:"Special Snowflakes" and a Nominating Committee (Score 1) 255

"Social Justice Warrior" is almost meaningless and appears to mean either "Someone who I dont agree with" or "Someone to the left of hitler".

I got called it recently for stating if someone where stalking my daughter I'd probably take a gun to them. And if that makes me a "social justice warrior" then SJW it is either. Better that than a neglectful father.

Comment Re:Fix gameplay related issues first (Score 1) 225

The only time I ever noticed resolution as a factor was back in the old days when I'd take my PC around to a mates house for lan games and he had this ridiculously high res (Like, oh probably 1024, it was the old days) to my shitty 800 , and seemed to be able to get headshots sniping from a distance when I couldn't bloody see him as more than a pixel or two.

Buuut I don't even take my xbox360 online so...

Comment Theres a way microsoft could dominate the market. (Score 1) 445

Ubuntu's phone OS has one extremely attractive feature that if adopted by microsoft and working with intel could make for an absolute winner of a phone. What I want is to be able to get a functional and attractive smart phone, plug it into a dock and have a fully fledged computer, with a desktop keyboard and mouse that I can installl intel standard windows software on. It would require intel to pick up their game, but it would be awesome. Not a cut down RT nonsense windows that forces me to use a reduced catalogue of windows app, but a full blown windows OS with all the bells and whistles. Note, Apple could do this too, as I'm probably more comfortable on a mac than windows these days.

Comment Re:Cheaper method (Score 1) 127

If you're a climate scientist who says there's no Anthropogenic Climate Change, there are lots of Fossil Fuel groups that will shower you with money - much like Tobacco companies would to any Scientists that said Smoking doesn't cause Cancer.

And predictably its often the very same "scientists" who where tobacco "experts" in the 80s saying that tobacco is harmless who now are "atmospheric scientists" claiming that CO2 violates physics and doesn't heat up when exposed to infrared light.

Comment Re:Uh ...wat? (Score 3, Insightful) 467

Agree 100%. Cheer-leading for SJWs makes me sick. But, it makes sense. Many people have trouble seeing consequences past the next 30 seconds. Pretty scary, isn't it?

Is this ever expanding definition of "SJW" now including protective fathers pissed off that creeps are harassing their daughters?

Well I guess I'm an SJW then, because anyone hurts my little girl and I'll put a bullet in their head.

Comment Re:Objective C (Score 3, Interesting) 407

C++ can be clean. The problem is really Macro metaprogramming madness tends to lead to some really strange code and sometimes straight up gibberish. I much prefer Objective C as well, I think its terse, readable and *usually* fairly resistant to a lot of the gunk C++ has accumulated. HOWEVER with that said C++ *can* be well written and clear. Hell even PERL can be. Its just that often it isn't.

Comment Re:What's not to like (Score 1) 105

Does it really matter how he got popular? Would you be so wary if it was the undead ghost of Charls Schultz instead of Mathew Imman? The guys a great cartoonist. People respond to his work. Its been like that since people started drawing funny men with giant tophats on pennyfarthings shortly after the invention of the printing press.

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