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Comment Re:Sorry, but scheme looks like garbage (Score 1) 384

Ok, well let's try that in Java :


public class CalculateCircleAreaExample {
                  public static void main(String[] args) {
                                int radius = 0;
                                System.out.println("Please enter radius of a circle");
                                                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                                                radius = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
                                catch(NumberFormatException ne)
                                                System.out.println("Invalid radius value" + ne);
                                catch(IOException ioe)
                                                System.out.println("IO Error :" + ioe);
                                double area = Math.PI * radius * radius;
                                System.out.println("Area of a circle is " + area);

To be honest, that will completely turn him off to programming. You have to teach so many things about syntax, exceptions, objects and imports that you can't even print something out without at least 6 hours of lessons. Never mind telling them how to compile something like that. Kids need to play with the computer, to see results right away, and Scheme lets them do this right away. Java, C and the rest of the compiled languages are just too steep a learning curve to give the average 9th grader. Give them Scheme first, the rest will be easier.

Comment Re:Lol (Score 1) 384

Much more readable than anything written in Java or C or even Python. Put a kid in front of a Python interpreter and he will wonder why none of his loops will work. The beauty of Scheme is that the first element in the list is always a function. I even teach kids to do (quote x) before giving them the shortcuts.

Also, most Scheme IDE's will indent the code automatically so readability has never been a problem.

Comment Re:Lol (Score 2) 384

A ninth grader already knows how to use Microsoft Word. Any kid picks up that without any problems, and it would simply be a waste of time to teach Word in schools. The same with most other generic software programs.

If you are going to teach the kids computer science, that is to say, how to program, there is nothing better than Scheme in my opinion. I've tried teaching in Python and Java, but to be honest kids need the minimal syntax possible, and Scheme really is great for teaching the science of computer programming.


Submission + - Ruby 2.0.0 Released (

An anonymous reader writes: Today version 2.0.0 of Ruby has been released. This is a stable release, and the Ruby team has done their best to make it compatible with 1.9, making it easier to migrate than it was to switch from 1.8 to 1.9. New core language features include: 'Keyword arguments, which give flexibility to API design; Module#prepend, which is a new way to extend a class; A literal %i, which creates an array of symbols easily; __dir__, which returns the dirname of the file currently being executed; and UTF-8 default encoding, which make many magic comments omissible.' Also new are libraries for lazy stream and for asynchronous exception handling API. The release includes a number of performance improvements and debug support for DTrace.

Comment Re:Same old same old (Score 1) 277

Perhaps you are not old enough to remember the times when farmers themselves poured milk in the street in the vain effort to raise prices. For a history lesson, perhaps start here :

For more information on the history of the dairy industry, I recommend this:

The dairy industry is not simply a supply and demand equation. Any sane economic policy doesn't just rely on market pressures. Market pressures of themselves lead to the destruction of smaller businesses and the general liquidation of the middle class, by the simple fact that he who possesses more capital can remove the competition from the market by simply buying them out. For instance, in Poland recently Carlsburg bought several native breweries and immediately shut them down in order to control the market. The customers have no choice now to buy any other beer but theirs. With the consolidation of the different brands there is likewise a consolidation of production methods and in general the diversity of the market is impoverished. This is capitalism, where the small business simply has no ability to compete especially with the reality of debt and financing of capital are as they are today.

By the fact that corporate mergers have not been regulated by the government, we have the absurd situation that certain businesses are now "to big to fail", and instead of the government governing the economy the economy is governed by businesses.

To try to solve modern problems by returning to the economics of the 19th century is simply insane. What is more, the economic theories of the 19th century never worked very well to begin with - depressions were so dramatic and cyclical that people actually died of hunger. Thanks to several intelligent people who actually thought that government ought to try to regulate these things, people in the US and Europe in large measure haven't experienced hunger for the past 60 years. If you want a free market, might I suggest going to Somalia or any third world country lives according to the principles of least government. You won't get taxed, but you won't be making much money either.

Comment Re:Same old same old (Score 1) 277

Ad 1/ I don't think I was disputing that.

Ad 2/ Well, if it is as you said that the Government exists to defend the Constitution, maybe they should look at Article 1, section 8, that is to say:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
a/ To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
b/ To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
c/ To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
d/ To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
e/ To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

That is to say, according to the Constitution the Government ought to regulate the means of exchange of goods within its jurisdiction. If the Government can't do this, it isn't governing.

ad 4/ Your objection actually is self-contradictory: debasing is a manner of regulating the worth of something. By definition if you debase something you lower its value. The inverse can be done by regulating the cost of capital or reducing the amount in circulation.

ad 5/ The government regulates the price of milk via marketing order regulations. If this were not done, no dairy farmer could afford to keep their cows. Yet because the government intervenes by fixing a minimum price for milk, many famers can sell their products in the market and still make a living. Not all price fixing results in a black market, and most price fixing is done because there is actually too much of a product on a market, or because it is deemed as something necessary for society.

ad 7/ What do you mean by the phrase: " especially if that country's currency is counted to be 'reserve'". This sentence simply doesn't parse.

ad 8/ A small government does not necessarily imply a better working government. It might not even be cheaper. There is more to government than just its size.

ad 9/ Certainly, but if the dollar no longer buys something in your local store it is usually because there is no one guaranteeing the value of the currency. In Somalia many places don't take their currency, but will gladly take dollars because at least a dollar can get you something. Money has value in as much as there is a government assuring its value.

ad 10/ I'll see your disdain and raise you a self-contradiction.

Comment Re:Same old same old (Score 4, Interesting) 277

The analogy is interesting, but it fails in one crucial aspect. A family doesn't really own the money that they spend - their resources are necessarily limited as they do not own the source of the means of exchange (namely the money). If a family was to operate like the government does, it wouldn't last very long.

However, by definition, a government is there to regulate the means of exchange, and thus is not limited to a budget in the same sense as a family is. The government can print money for instance, or regulate its worth by modifying the exchange rate with other economies, or even mandating fixed pricing on certain goods like gasoline. The government doesn't pay bills in the same way that a family does. So the question of a budget is not applicable in the same sense as for a family.

So it might be an interesting analogy, but fails at the most crucial point - a government is responsible for the value of the currency, a family merely uses the currency of the government.

Submission + - NASA researching LENR (aka cold fusion) and they are not alone. (

Moabz writes: There have been quite a few news reports about LENR lately. Unlike the drama about the Rossi e-cat, there seems to be a revival in legitimate scientific research into this area. University of Missouri is running a 5.5 million USD research project, and scientists at other institutes like Purdue, NASA, MIT, SRI, NRL are all looking into it.

A couple of days ago the Nuclear Energy Institute was talking about it on their facebook page and the American Nuclear Society posted a similar story on their "nuclear cafe". The University of Missouri will host a cold fusion conference in July this year and the topic will also be discussed in a talk at the upcoming "Nuclear & Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS-2013) organized by the ANS starting coming Monday.

Comment I think you answered your own question ! (Score 4, Insightful) 356

From the submitter:

I'd rather hack up something the FL/OSS community actually needs. The problem is — how to figure out what it could be?"

Well, there we go, you already have a problem that needs fixing! So how about this:

A database that keeps track of FL/OSS community needs. Some possible features:

1/ People go to your website/program and input their software needs. Could be a form with relative requirements on each need. You put the requirements and users in a database, with some sort of relationship between user and need.
2/ People with projects can put their project in the database by stating its goals, as well as state of completion. The state of completion implies (negatively) what requirements still need to be fulfilled for each project.
3/ Your fancy program tries by some algorithm to match 1+2, using some sort of database. Your program brings people's needs and the projects needs together in some form that allows the needs to be fulfilled. Bonus points for making it some sort of social site. Your software is not only open source, but even "community driven".

Actually your question points out a need - how about fulfilling that need? You have already tried to find something that would help you, but couldn't find it - how about doing something about it? This is the best way to do software - not by taking an arbitrary list of stuff from others, but actually experiencing the need yourself. Since you know the requirements in some degree, you should put your energies in fulfilling them. Would make an interesting and useful project.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Submission + - Facebook paid no taxes despite record profits ( 2

Frosty Piss writes: Despite earning more than $1 billion in profits last year, social media juggernaut Facebook paid zilch when it came to federal and state taxes in 2012. In fact, the website will actually be getting a refund totaling $429 million thanks to a tax reduction for executive stock options. In the coming years, Facebook will continue to get monster tax breaks, totaling about $3 billion. 'The employees cash in stock options, and at that point there is tax deduction for the company,' Robert McIntyre, of watchdog group Citizens for Tax Justice, said. 'Because even though it doesn't cost Facebook a nickel, the government treats it as wages and they get a deduction for it. And usually it doesn't wipe out companies whole tax bill, although many companies get big breaks from it.'

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