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Comment Re:"no seatbelts" (Score 2) 701

If you're going to go around with no seatbelt on, whose taxes are going to pay to clean up the mess when you spread your brains on the pavement?

Our seatbelt-free ways predate the arrival of Free Staters. NH is the only state to not mandate seatbelt use for adults, just for 17 and unders. We also have mo law requiring the use of motorcycle helmets for adults.

Comment Still has appeal for me (Score 1) 523

I started out on private servers around 2008 or so, so mid-TBC. But many quests more complex than "kill # of trolls" or "gather # of berries" quests were broken, so it was an odd experience for awhile. Finally joined retail last year and it has been quite fun. I'm not a serious raider or pvp'er, just dabble in the respective "looking for..." random groupings. Pet collecting, achievement-hunting, trying out alts or new specs. There always seems to be some other place in the game you can focus on for a bit if you get bored or burnt-out on the others.

Comment Are these people even real? (Score 1) 355

Sort the videos by rating, 4 of the top 5 are 20-something women, such as Ilona from Finland. Her bio reads;

I'm a critically discerning cosmopolitan, identifying with a variety of roles and yet very few. As a bookish diplomat by nature, I choose to leave my heart and mind open and listen to the sounds of the world. I aim to live a long, hearty life, only rich in experience and knowledge, fueled by ideas, inspiration and questions. Beauty lies in human achievement. Through my person, I want to portray a generation of our time, a truly universal one, bold and borderless but not detached from its roots.

maybe I'm just a cranky old codger, but that sounds a lot like the vapid, not-really-saying-anything "hi I saw your profile so let's chat" kind of e-mail spam we get all the time.

Comment Re:...wont make me shop at "traditional" (Score 1) 678

Traditional retailers want business? Change their service, train staff better, have more registers open, kick out the rabble who just hang out in stores and never buy stuff. Most of all lower prices.

I don't disagree per se, but how do you expect them to invest in better training and hiring, increased staff, etc...while lowering prices? If anything, that added cost would be passed down to the consumer via higher prices.

Comment Re:the state of space-based sci-fi (Score 1) 69

1. Dodger, not Badger. Never did like that episode, it was a bit of a ham-fisted "look at the horrors of war" retelling of Hamburger Hill or the like.
2. Down-Below was largely a ghetto and a refuge for criminals & miscellaneous psychos so it isn't too surprising that most shown down there are thuggish. There were obvious exceptions though such as the doctor with the healing device in the "Quality of Mercy", and the alien that Kosh sends Sheridan to to meditate on beauty. (forget the ep name)
3. Kinda nitpicky. Trek was far, far worse with jargon and deus ex machina in general. Far too many episodes of the

"We're in an impossible situation!"
"What if I reconfigure the phase blaster arrays and the converter matrix to create an inverse warp field?"
"Make it so."


4. If you didn't see Delenn & Sheridan coming from day 1 of her chrysalis emergence, then I dunno what to say. The flirting was obvious, and it developed over quite a period of time...the watching of the faces during sleep, the crowd of Minbari outside their door ("Whoopee?"), etc...
5. That is a commonality of most fantasy, not just sci-fi. Humanity is portrayed as either the already-dominant or the ascending-towards-dominance race, while a race or several are entering into twilight, a passing-of-the-torch moment. e.g. Tolkien and the passing of the Elves to the West while Gondor rebuilds. Remember that the Shadows and/or Vorlons tried to wipe out Sheridan leading upto his GTFO speech, but other races and ships stepped up and intercepted the missiles. When a bully realizes that he can no longer rule though fear, then he has nothing left.


The Twighlight of Small In-House Data Centers 180

dcblogs writes "Virtualization, cloud services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) is making it much easier to shift IT infrastructure operations to service providers, and that is exactly what many users are doing. Of the new data center space being built in the U.S., service providers accounted for about 13% of it last year, but by 2017 they will be responsible for more than 30% of this new space, says IDC. 'We are definitely seeing a trend away from in-house data centers toward external data centers, external provisioning,' said Gartner analyst Jon Hardcastle. Among those planning for a transition is the University of Kentucky's CIO, who wants to reduce his data center footprint by half to two thirds. He expects in three to five years service provider pricing models 'will be very attractive to us and allow us to take most of our computing off of our data center.' IT managers says a big reason for the shift is IT pros don't want to work in data centers at small-to-mid size firms that can't offer them a career path. Hank Seader, managing principal of the Uptime Institute, said that it takes a 'certain set of legacy skills, a certain commitment to the less than glorious career fields to make data centers work, and it's hard to find people to do it.'"

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