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Comment Chess against the computer on max. (Score 1) 179

A modern chess engine on max is undefeatable by human players. Period. The moment a sufficiently armed group of military machines reaches that strategy level, it could probably take out an entire nation state like wasps moving into a bee hive. Really, it could easily transition into a WMD that surpasses thermonuclear weapons.

Comment Re:Bye bye public school teachers.... (Score 1) 36

If you had a good experience in school, I'm happy for you. Just don't assume everyone else did.

I was homeschooled because of bullying that the school failed to do anything about. Incidentally, I ended up a secondary math teacher with a math degree (and by the end of this summer, an MS in mathematics). I can tell you something from the "other side." First, some districts are basically little hell holes that can't keep staff. I could talk your ear off about this, but it sounds like you ended up at one of "those" districts. While it may feel good to stick-it-to-em about pay, those districts are hell holes partially because the pay is so low. If the pay were competitive, it'd be easier to replace ineffective staff. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for, and you were on the receiving end of "what was paid for."

Second, research from Stanford suggests that complaining causes brain damage. I suggest you stop while you're ahead! ;)

Comment Re: Seriesrly? (Score 3, Interesting) 34

I disagree. I never once heard GPT used to name any AI technology before "ChatGPT." I've heard AI used, like "OpenAI." But GPT? No, "CatGPT" is pretty clearly trying to tie itself to ChatGPT in particular. That does make it trade-markable. Point: can you in all sincerity, not trying to win an Internet debate, say that "ChatGPT" isn't the reason everyone wants to use "GPT" in their product names in particular? I mean isn't it peculiar a bunch of people who never met selected such particular names for their AI products?

Comment Re:That's the Problem (Score 1) 108

Unfortunately there are some concepts that people should know about arithmetic they tend to forget. For example, "adding a percent" is really a matter of multiplication. Consequently, people will think that a 20% discount followed by a 30% discount is a 50% discount. The actual total discount is 44% off. The "I don't need math" flub is off by about 6% in this case. Stores use this to low-key low ball people and get away with it.

Comment This is just a ploy to sell products. (Score 2) 197

Selling products to schools is big business. This could easily create a new multi billion dollar industry selling CS products: professional development for teachers, new cert exam fees, computers, software packages, textbooks, etc. This isn't about students or churning out coders to drive down wages. It's about selling products.

Comment Re: Whatever (Score 1) 289

Wait a minute! Hold my beer.

You may be on to something. Just work with me here. You're saying that if there are only so many sperm to go around, then as the population grows the sperm count becomes diluted? Ergo, lower sperm count. So if we can cut things down by about 4 billion people we can double everyone's sperm count.


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