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Comment Re:Bull fucking shit! (Score 1) 335

TFA is about a scientific experiment having to do with the dangers of driving with distracting technology in the way, so they test this theory by hooking up a bunch of distracting technology to people while they drive around in their cars and conclude that the same people who are distracted by technology are also distracted by technology. They also tested them by taking away their "hand held drug" and were amazed that they acted more agreesively.

By the way. This study was conducted by MIT in the Boston area, where there is no ban on handheld talking on the phone while driving according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Comment Bull fucking shit! (Score 2, Insightful) 335

The reason why cell phone bans don't work is the same reason other bans don't work, because they aren't enforced enough or at all (from what I've seen). Good people give into temptation because other people are doing it and feel they can get away with it. Take that feeling away, people would stop. Granted, I agree there would always be offenders, but not nearly as many.

Comment Re:Up next (Score 1) 190

Heh, that was fairly good. Never heard that one before.

You can tell from the background and hand crafted HTML that the page was written in the 90s, when there are a much higher signal to noise ratio on the Internet.

Comment No, actually DS9 doesn't work (Score 1) 634

My wife loved TNG and Voyager and I thought the same thing about DS9, that since its a soap opera in Space that she'd like that too. But it turns out she really liked the exploration part of ST a lot, which they just don't do enough of in that series. I think she didn't give it enough of a chance, because I ended up liking DS9 a lot. I recently have been watching Enterprise the first time though and found it surprisingly engaging (sorry), but I think it starts out a bit slow and she didn't get into it because of that. But with TNG and Voyager, you have to start with some really good or funny episodes to get them into it or a dual parter.

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