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Comment Re:Arrogant maintainers... (Score 2) 234

This is what happens when hipster UI developers from the mobile and web world come into the Desktop and Server world and think they are the shit. WTF? The Fedora community seems to have gone apeshit insane in recent years. First their stupid nonesense about moving /bin to /usr/bin, now this. It wouldn't be much of a problem if Fedora was an obscure experiemental distribution, but its not. Its a feeder of ideas and technology for one of the most widely used server distributions in the world. These developers are being irresponsible.

Comment Re:Open Source information? (Score 1) 346

It means public information, don't pretend you didn't know.

I didn't, because I've only heard it refered to as public information before. I've heard the term sources refering to where you get your sources from, but not open-source information. It turns out Bruce Perens acknowledged this special use of the term open source in the intelligence community when he announced open source software: http://www.catb.org/~esr/open-source.html

The intelligence community probably hates it when this happens. *rolls eyes*

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