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Comment Re:Confusing Comparison: RTS vs RPG (Score 1) 737

That's what I was thinking. I'm in S. Korea and there are, not one but, TWO tv channels that play Starcraft tourneys almost 24/7. And its been like this for quite some time. So by now its really getting old and stale and the audience/gamers are looking for something new and fresh. I guarantee that there will be televised Starcraft 2 tourneys within a week of official release. Even if LAN isn't included in the official software I'll bet that Blizzard would give the tourneys special patches to make it work. Gaming TV is big biz here and the players/teams are sponsored (they wear jackets with product endorsements like Nascar racers).

Comment Think of the children. (Score 1) 473

Simulations don't directly kill (duh, its in the name). Its always drawing a connection from simulation to the real thing that takes some convincing. It's what the politicians sell when they offer up cooked up statistics or the latest school shooting for voting parents and elderly.

Comment Re:Good ideas / Deaf ears (Score 1) 519

Yep. I can already hear the politicians turning out their pockets and saying we're broke. Ok, now for the military and war budget. Lets just cut them another blank check. The BIG problem is that the military industrial complex is NOT in the space race anymore. Instead they're busy making new war toys (rail guns and scout drones) and urban pacification tech (sonic and microwave machines that really hurt but don't kill). If Kim Jong Il, Osama Bin Laden, and Cobra Commander launched a terrorist nuclear strike from their moonbase then I can guarantee the space race would back on. It's because threat has higher priority to the political and public psyche.

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