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Comment Re:Argh... (Score 1) 335

I asked a TSA guy about this, and he said that "we're developing new x-ray scanning technology that can check drinks, but it won't be ready until 2012, and it is very expensive."

Huh? The Japanese have solved this problem with a fucking microwave oven, and we're wanking about with this ridiculous security theater?

Don't expect innovation when throwing money at the problem will suffice.

Comment Re:Really??? (Score 1) 585

When it comes to servers, gaming consoles, smart phones, tablets, or any other internet devices: not so much...

Last I checked, their gaming console is doing pretty well. Their success there should give them ideas on how to expand into the mobile market. In fact, I would expect Windows Phone 7 to go just like the Xbox series has. The first version will be good, but not great. The second generation will be where they take a bite out of the market.

Comment Re:Open? People break both open. (Score 1) 864

A platform is not really "open" if it's only open in a way that 1%ers (1% most technical users) can do anything with it that benefits from openness.

That's nonsense. How many Linux users do you think actually use the source provided? Probably close to 1%. Does that make Linux not open?

1% of Linux users? So what, like 5 guys?


Denver Airport Overrun by Car-Eating Rabbits 278

It turns out the soy-based wire covering on cars built after 2002 is irresistible to rodents. Nobody knows this better than those unlucky enough to park at DIA's Pikes Peak lot. The rabbits surrounding the area have been using the lot as an all-you-can-eat wiring buffet. Looks like it's time to break out The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

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