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Comment Re:Shazbot! (Score 1) 352

Sure, legally. At some point such behavior by an actual human being would creep the shit out of you and fulfill the definition of stalking, which is definitely illegal in the US (specifics vary by state). If only such laws could be applied to automated cameras and databases...

Comment Re:Education (Score 1) 482

That huge measles outbreak in Texas six months ago happened within the population of an antivax megachurch. IIRC many of the antivax populations in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe are also conservative religious groups. Which is not to say it happens only in conservative populations - here in Southern California the only anti-vaxxers I meet are crazy hippies. Populations of extemist idiots exist everywhere.

Comment Re:I'm an apple fan and this is meh. (Score 1) 264

Apple's site lists a number of third party apps with CarPlay functionality and promises more to come. And to the GP, mirroring is a terrible idea - not only because a car's built-in display will almost certainly have a different aspect ratio and resolution, but because an interface designed for use in a car is (should be) different in some ways to that of a phone (even more streamlined, simplified, and with larger fonts).

Comment Re:Troll (Score 1) 794

I really hope the Big Mac comment was just a meaty bit of hyperbole and you don't actually enjoy shitty Big Macs! But regardless, I should point out that Whole Foods does sell meat - fucking delicious meat. Burgers made with their ground beef are spectacular.

Riecoin: A Cryptocurrency With a Scientific Proof of Work 156

An anonymous reader writes "Enter decentralized, open source mining with the first scientific proof of work. Riecoin is a decentralized (p2p), open source digital currency. Proof of work is about finding Hardy-Littlewood k-tuples. Ultimately miners are verifying the Riemann hypothesis. Unlike for Primecoin the probability of accepting a false positive goes to zero as the network grows. Primecoin uses Fermat Test which runs the risk of accepting so called Carmichael numbers. Riecoin uses a stronger test to ensure correctness."

Comment Re:Obviously.. (Score -1) 184

I'm not seeing the word "all" anywhere except in your post. Reading comprehension problems?

For some concrete data: http://emailclientmarketshare....
44% of all email is read through one of Apple's mail clients - 36% on their mobile devices alone. I'd say Apple definitely made some contributions to the ubiquity of email connectivity in the past decade or so.

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