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Submission + - Got your flying car right here! (

innocent_white_lamb writes: Well, it's actually a flying truck, But close enough.

The Black Knight Transformer is a supply truck that's capable of carrying a 4000 pound payload and can be flown like a helicopter or driven over rough terrain. You can remove the drive train and replace it with an amphibious boat hull if you happen to need a flying boat instead of a flying truck.

Either way, it's a cool gadget that's currently under development for the US military.

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 2) 632

I don't think your link has the complete story. You can find lots of information about this issue with a google search for facta (the name of a new US law that's trying to pull more people into the IRS dragnet) but here is one article that lays it out fairly succinctly:

U.S. citizens on the other hand, have an ongoing obligation to declare and report their worldwide income to the U.S.A., regardless of where they reside. U.S. citizens who have permanently departed the U.S.A. and have become full-time permanent residents of Canada are still required to file U.S. income taxes on an annual basis with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The only way for U.S. citizens to avoid this would be to go through a process to renounce their U.S. citizenship, which is not practical or desirable for most people. Therefore, a U.S. citizen who resides in Canada is essentially subject to the same U.S. filing requirements as they would if they continued to reside in the U.S.A. This means filing U.S. Form 1040 every year, and reporting worldwide income.

The bottom line for U.S. citizen residents of Canada is that they must file two returns each year â" a Canadian income tax return because they reside in Canada, and a U.S. return based on being a U.S. citizen. The Tax Treaty between Canada and U.S.A. has several mechanisms available know as foreign tax credits, to make sure the person does not have to pay duplicate taxes to both countries.

Original article here

Comment Vice and Frodo 64 (Score 5, Informative) 165

I use Vice on my desktop computer and Frodo C64 on my Android phone. Accordingly, I don't need an extra gadget to play with my Commodore 64.

Gamebase64 has everything you never needed to know about C64 games, Girls of '64 for everything in 8-bit nudity, and AppsnToolsBase64 for everything in utilities, business and productivity applications.

All c64 programs are tiny in modern terms; an uncompressed 1541 floppy disk image is only 170k. So you can carry every significant Commodore 64 program that was every released on a single flash drive or on your phone, and have plenty of room to spare.

Comment Re:Why not a "$0" only option (Score 1) 240

That would be me. I've never spent a penny on apps for my Android phones or tablets.

What do I have on my phone right now:

terminal ide
920 Text Editor
Wifi Analyzer by farproc
Hacker's Keyboard
network info II
es file manager
kingsoft office
x11 server by darkside
diskusage by ivan volosik
cbc radio
colornote notepad notes
Canada weather & radar by fish & whistle
rfo basic
QR Code Reader by Scan Inc
camscanner phone pdf creator
mahjongg builder
opendocument reader
From Samsung Apps:
Samsung TTS HD US English

Haven't paid a penny for any of it yet.

Comment Re:Pretty close to zero (Score 1) 240

Honest question: What does Moon+ ebook reader do for $4.99 that FBReader doesn't do for free?

I've never looked at Moon+, but FBReader runs great on my computers, phones and tablets and does what it's supposed to do. The only feature I'd like to see added is a way to automatically sync the page that you're on between all of the devices, but I can see where that could be a problem; where do you store the central page number repository that you would probably need do do that.

Comment Re:Viva La XP! (Score 3, Informative) 641

I have a $100,000 digital cinema projector. (I own an operate a movie theatre.) The projector runs on Windows XP. Fortunately, it's not connected to the Internet; the server and associated hardware are a self-contained network. I load ("ingest) movies onto the system from CRU hard drives that arrive by courier or bus.

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