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Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 5, Insightful) 981

That obviously can't happen because they've ignorantly shunned the sciences, but it could take a whole 'nother generation or two before that lack of knowledge really takes its toll (if they're left unchecked in the meantime).

No silly rabbit. The people they rule are not allowed to have any learning. This is nothing more than a return to society a couple hundred years ago. The leaders will still have "western style" educations. That's how they stay in control.

Comment Re:Natural immunity (Score 1) 122

After I did this, I have no more stomach problems, and no more wheat allergy. Of course you may want to consult a doctor before doing this.

Allergy. I don't think you know what that word means. Gut bacteria has absolutely nothing to do with your histamine immune system reaction to certain proteins. I think you may mean "it gave me the runs." That is NOT an allergy.

Comment Re:This isn't scaremongering. (Score 1) 494

Americans might look on with bemusement; I can understand that. I guess it's a bit like Florida choosing to break away from the US, having a pro-Florida political party endlessly demonizing "them" (the rest of the US) as causing pretty much every economic and political woe Florida has going for it.

We have a Scotland, but here it's called Texas.

Comment Re:More restrictive (Score 1) 292

Sure, if you don't know how to make an AI then your only choice is only multiplayer.

Look at any major game development and there will be a sea of people working on graphics, cut scenes, animation. And there will be the one guy in the corner who codes the AI. I want games that are the opposite. I have no problem with the original Sim City, Civilization, etc. graphics but after a couple of years of serious AI development to teach the computer how to play a good game, like the old days when people used to code chess and go programs. I know, not going to happen.

Comment Re:Urban Fetch (Score 1) 139

The documentary about, e-Dreams, is both fascinating and painful to watch. These guys went through a breathtakingly huge pile of money in a very short time, trying to do exactly this sort of personalized delivery.

Not quite. They lived the high life for a couple of years off of that money, while pretending to have a business that actually did something. I was with a similar company back then, and contrary to their press releases, they never intended to be successful. Success means oversight and someone has to account for the spending. "Start up" means champaign and prostitutes billed to "miscellaneous expenses."

Comment Re:Don't lie (Score 2) 499

Just so.

Look, basically three things get you into trouble during a government background check:

1. You *currently* participate in an organization trying to harm the United States Government.

2. Anything about yourself or your family life leaves you vulnerable to blackmail.

3. You conceal relevant truth, lie, or exhibit a pattern of deceit and/or theft.

Pretty much nothing else disqualifies you for work for Uncle Sam.

Bzzt. Wrong. Put down legal marijuana use in the last year, even if you have quit, and you are automatically disqualified from pretty much anything. The point is that the government (national, state, local) have more and more leverage to discount people for their LEGAL practices and viewpoints. In the 70's people would have been up in arms about this kind of thing. Now you quietly accept it as the status quo.

Comment Re:The obvious solution (Score 2) 348

The obvious solution is to return to traditional methods: establish an independent income, then take up scientific research as a hobby.

Sad but true. My only friend who made it to being a teaching professor can sustain himself because he was rich going in. He donates his teacher's salary checks to a charity or some such, and lives off his investments. He teaches science and does a bit of research because that is his passion. No way he could make it otherwise.

Comment Re:If you think medical funding is bad (Score 1) 348

In college I started out as a physics major. Then I realized "holy shit I'll never get a job" and switched to engineering.

I'm sorry you bailed on your real potential. Not as a physicist, but the training helps make you a better IT prospect than anyone who learned coding in college. Let's see:

myself - physics major, now a rather well paid systems/storage analyst for a fortune 500
friend 1 - physics major, astrophysics major (ABD), now a systems admin and IT director for a major hospital
friend 2 - math major, now a highly paid database admin and IT director for a major health care firm
friend 3 - biology major, now a high priced coder/architect for one of the big business consulting firms
friend 4 - history major, philosophy PhD, now IT director for a major law firm
friend 5 - physics major, now owns a successful IT consulting firm
friend 6 - dropped out of college, now a high paid systems administrator
friend 7 - physics PhD, now a junior professor at a small midwestern college

With an engineering degree, you are just one in a million. With a more intense intellectual degree, you will be picked to lead, not follow. Friends 6 and 7 buck the trend I guess. :-)

Comment Backwards (Score 1) 471

People are looking at this backwards. It is not a piece of tech to wear on your wrist. It is a watch that has tech features. If you do not currently own a watch, then you do not want one. Who own's watches? Guys who wear expensive suits and guys who are dressing up to impress women. They are quite willing to spend several hundred for a nice piece of bling. My wife has been asking me to get a watch for when I dress up, and I'm seriously considering getting one of these.

Comment The Entitled (Score 1) 819

All I get from the comments here is that a lot of people feel entitled. If anyone has something they don't, however trivial, they feel entitled to have it, and it is morally wrong that they do not. I saw this strikingly when I moved from the Midwest to California. I see if more and more on Slashdot. I don't know what this has to do with anything. Just an observation.

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