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Comment Re:Autoimmune disorder... (Score 1) 350

If this is all it takes to provoke this sort of reaction, and if a few phone calls can get someone "swatted", then why the hell does al-Qaeda bother with bombings and flying planes into things? Send over a few sleeper cells with nondescript bags and boxes and watch the panic fly.

Because they don't operate like that. Their goal is not to inconvenience Americans, it's to get international attention and power over their own people. The US is just a convenient punching bag. Or do you really think that they are "jealous of our freedoms."

Comment Re:Mission accomplished (Score 1) 98

I don't think Elon expected to win that easy, but look how much publicity he got for filing a simple claim and getting a temporary injunction. He got to say a few times how they are 4x cheaper than the old guys, that might be remembered by some press and politicians the next time there is a big contract up for grabs.

Huh? The goal of every politician is to spend the MOST money. Money is power.

Comment Re:Wow, the Republicans... (Score 1) 194

What does it matter? Both parties serve the corporations.

They serve different corporations, and that is why they fight against each other. Republicans are oil and military. Democrats are internet and entertainment. Of course there is overlap, but if I had to choose, Republican would lose every time.

Comment Re:Writing passwords down (Score 1) 288

Passwords are security through obscurity. We need a better system altogether.

Absolute hogwash. That is not what "security through obscurity" means at all. Security through obscurity refers to security based on an algorithm being secret, not specific per-user information.

Nah, it means putting ssh on port 2222, or having to type in a URL instead of clicking on a link. An algorithm being secret is called proprietary.

Comment Re:Ah, Just What Schools Were Missing! (Score 1) 87

Oh, fantastic - yet another "sport" to distract the future generations of our planet from receiving an actual education.

Maybe it's time we consider creating separate "athletic schools" for the kids who want to be sports-stars, so the rest of the population can focus on, you know, learning important shit.

It's too late for that. Only a handful of top schools do not put athletics before all else. A good start would be to make all schools give any athletics profits to charity, instead of using it to fund a never ending cycle of high priced coaches and player kick backs.

Comment Re:Get a life... (Score 3, Insightful) 111

...I'm not a trekkie, but I can't forget when mr. Shatner told his fans to get a life ...yeah yeah...that's probably a humorous parody, but he really "killed" it for a lot of people back then. The no #1 rule of Hollywood is to always cherish your fans, never spit on them. He always told in interviews after that, that trekkies really don't have a life etc. You can find this here:

It was funny, because it is so true. The people he inspired are those that excelled in sciences and in school, not people who are so obsessed with belonging to the "community" that they have to go dress up and go to conventions. Bill inspired me to get my degree in Physics. And I also laugh at the so-called-fans who can quote lines from the show, but never understand or even care to understand the science underlying it.

Comment Re:Buggy whips? (Score 1) 769

Seems like it is only a matter of time until coal power goes away. It will be a long time, granted, but in the next decade or two solar will get so cheap that the impact on traditional centralized generation will be quite severe.

That's what they said in the 70's. And the 80's. And the 90's. You get my drift.

Comment Re:Bank them (Score 2, Insightful) 333

Death is a part of life. I'd rather live with that than trying to force a 100 year old body to keep it's heart beating just because some family member doesn't know how to cope any other way.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you. I'm grabbing every second of consciousness that I can. My grandfather dealt with crippling arthritis, and kept going. I have no plan to cash it in for health reasons. Is it possible to be productive to society with a worn out body? Ask Steven Hawking.

Comment Re:in this thread (Score 1) 155

start by losing the cynicism

At some point you have to accept that you are living in the last days of Rome, and nothing is going to turn it around. The USA will be burned to the ground, economically, by the uber rich, and they will not leave a scrap of meat on the carcass. The barbarians are already at the gates. It's over. It's time to start planning what comes after. It's the rebuilding that will be exciting.

Comment Re:no evidence for that statement (Score 1) 173


The "bad cop busted" is still news, and the "hero cop does the bust" just makes it better news. I have NEVER heard of a "bad cop" bust (and there have been many over my lifetime) where it was a "good cop" on his force that did it. It has always been outsiders.

You are young then. I try to keep explaining to people that things were NOT always this bad. From Wiki. I could see this station from my front porch growing up:

1980s - "Marquette Ten": 10 police officers in Chicago's Marquette District were convicted of taking bribes from drug dealers. Among those was Chicago police officer Thomas Ambrose, the father of former U.S. Marshall John Ambrose, who was convicted 20-years later of leaking information to the Chicago Outfit about federal informant Nick Calabrese, who testified against top Chicago mobsters in the "Family Secrets" trial.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 0) 182

Except that, we have no idea what happened. The problem with harassment is that it's a he said/she said thing.

The real problem is that, aside from a few well publicized situations, women invariably do NOT speak out about legitimate sexual harassment. It is much easier to a person's psyche to keep your head low and just try to avoid the perpetrator, keep your mouth shut, and pretend it's not going on. Coming out in the public with the situation leads to hate threats and doubts about your employability. Supposing that the man might be the victim goes against occam's razor. Unless you are personally involved, then we have to assume that the allegations are legit, albeit with a grain of salt to await further developments. To ignore this out of hand because it is not 100% proven factual in your mind is disgraceful.

Comment Ron Popeil (Score 1) 217

Like the Pocket Fisherman et al, I'm sure this will have a few fanatical buyers who become very proficient in using it, but for most the more common item is probably better.

Comment Re:Envy (Score 1) 140

I see a lot of envy fueling the hate. I can't afford a $1500 pair of uber-nerd glasses so I will hate on the select few who can.

Starting with a false premise does not help your argument. I think most people on slashdot CAN afford one if they wanted it. The low adoption rate is showing that there is currently no real utility to the device beyond what you can get with a smart phone, albeit with a lot more flash. Therefor, it is assumed that it is no more than the current Rolex watch or Coach bag.

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