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Comment Re:Not Censorship (Score 4, Interesting) 285


You own a business that the Government does not like.
The Government then starts a program, maybe one called Operation Choke Point that pressures banks to withhold services from YOU, thereby making it near impossible for you to do business.

That is pretty much the Government forcing you out of business, or censoring you, in effect, by using a third party.

And in case you wondering, it goes like this with the banks..."That's a nice bank you have there. It'd be a shame if we had to do a top to bottom audit. Who knows what we'd find, how much it would cost you, or how long it would take. But we could avoid that if you did us a favor..."

Comment Re:"Standing" (Score 3, Interesting) 149

Let's say the Feds set up an illegal surveillance program (what? never happen!).

They illegally spy on people but you don't know who. They may have spied on you, but you can't prove it.

So YOU can't file a lawsuit against the feds because YOU haven't been spied on.

Do you see how ridiculous "Standing" is in this situation?

Comment Re:OMNI (Score 5, Interesting) 122

I always told my kids it takes longer to drive north because it's all uphill.

Interesting to watch their reactions over the years go from unquestioning acceptance, to cognitive dissonance. to enlightened disagreement, to "Daaaaaaad!!!", to "When are we stopping to dinner?'.

Comment Math and the Universe (Score 3, Interesting) 210

In Carl Sagan's book Contact, Dr. Ellie Arroway mathematically proved that Pi, calculated out to some huge number, had a series of 1 and 0 that when arranged in a raster, formed a circle, supposedly showing that the universe was not an accident.

While this is obviously fiction, is there any Mathematical equation, theorem, or any other aspect of Math that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up or otherwise cause you to wonder?

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