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Comment Interesting, Rayon and PVC (Score 5, Interesting) 166

The OP said, "I can live without rayon, but, dang, I'm gonna miss polyvinyl chloride!" Rayon is made from wood. We make vinyl chloride from petrochemicals, but the original source was plant material and the majority of world production uses plant material. Acetate, is another one typically from plants. As is nitrocellulose. Casein, is a protein from milk. It is also the plastic that the buttons on your shirt are probably made of. So plastic without petroleum is not that hard to find.

Comment Anonymous VS Facebook (Score 2) 575

It is pretty clear what this is really about. Facebook is the natural enemy of Anonymity. You can not use Facebook and remain anonymous. You can not even have a friend use Facebook and remain anonymous. Anonymous finally realized who their natural enemy was and that they would be assimilated eventually if things remained as they are. Facebook is the Borg of computer identity. Personally I fear Anonymous Coward, while the Anonymous Coward group never does anything, they can be amazingly snippy.

Comment Turning it Around! (Score 1) 310

The kind of Rovian bastard that comes up with this sort of slimy plot is the most disgusting slime that a sick society can possibly produce. The SAIC is disgusting just for allowing such smarmy and clearly anti-American skum to work for them. I remember a day when analyst used to mean something. Usually a technician promoted high enough to present data a meeting, But now, I am embarrassed that Dallas Boyd holds a title that I once held. Why didn't this slime ball practice what he preaches and self censor himself. He should have chosen to protect our democracy and values, but no, he had to go and publish this damned fascist drivel. What a horridly unattractive sort of weasel. He should be stigmatized for presenting such clearly dangerous schemes!

Comment ICANN2 (Score 2) 127

This is pretty well silly. Trademark is common law, registered, international, national and just about every other sort of monkey court in existence. ICANN may be opening themselves up to some real silly nastiness. The sort of thing they will richly deserve if they go through with this.

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