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Comment Re:Pick your favorite amendments! (Score 1) 380

So there's some sort of rule that you either have to support all amendments to the Constitution, or none of them?

Yes, it's called leftist thinking. They apply the same logic to everyone they don't like.

So if you say that you're Christian, they'll automatically assume that you think The Earth is 4000 years old and God created fossils of dinosaurs to test our faith.

If you say that you're pro-life, they'll imply that you think that abortion should be illegal even when continued pregnancy will result in mother's death.

And If you say that you support gun rights, they'll imply that you have posters of Anders Breivik in your bedroom.

Comment Re:Pick your favorite amendments! (Score 0) 380

You're a moron. Amendments like the 1st and 4th and the 14th, which guarantee individual liberty, are categorically different from amendments like the 16th, which expand state power. Paul is entirely consistent in being in favor of individual liberty and against state power.

Yeah but OP is a fag who think state should have all power on the world and that we all should exist just to serve the state. He despises corporate capitalism yet his visions of The Gov't could be summed up as "One corpororation to rule them all".

Comment Re:You may think it troll, flame bait, etc, but... (Score 1) 641

Other primates, even chimpanzees and gorillas, cannot give informed consent, so marrying them would never be justifiable for the same reason marrying a four-year-old is not reasonable.

I'm gonna reveal a shocking truth to you - it is entirely legal to eat an animal without its consent.
And yet somehow it's not legal to eat a four-year old.

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