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Comment Re:Forced Upgrades? (Score 1) 665

Ditto here. I thought having separate processes would mean if a tab freezes, I'd be free to use another tab. Instead, the whole browser freezes, and a new tab would not be created after clicking the new tab button, until it stops freezing (which results in many tabs appearing, according to how many times I've clicked the button in frustration).

Firefox doesn't freeze that often, but that's maybe because I've enabled NoScript.


New Mac Virus Discovered, Making the Rounds 239

sl4shd0rk writes "A new Mac OS X exploit was discovered Friday morning by Kaspersky Labs which propogates through a zipfile attachment. The attachment tricks the Mac user into installing a variant of the MaControl backdoor via point-and-grunt. Embedded in the virus is an encrypted IP address belonging to a server in China which is believed to be a C+C server. Once installed, the virus opens a backdoor allowing the attacker on the C+C server to run commands on the compromised machine. Shortly after Kaspersky's announcement, AlienVault Labs claims to have found a similar version of the Mac malware which infects Windows machines. The Windows version appears to be a variant of the Gh0st RAT malware used last month in targeted attacks against Central Tibetan Administration. Both viruses are suspected of being tools in a campaign to attack Uyghur Activists."

Comment Re:Young listeners? (Score 1) 390

Because the 10% of the 70s/80s rock songs have already been testified as worthy to be listened to. How many songs have the young kids ever listened too? I doubt that they listened to all the classic songs themselves; they had the best selected for them.

And our next generation will have the same opinion about their and our era's music: "The songs from 00s and 10s were much better!"

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