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Comment Re:Mind reading (Score 4, Funny) 145

usually really great entertainment in sleep

Yea that horror nightmare that I had was really great entertainment. Peeing my bed just made it all the more fun.

Besides, i can see my fiancee sticking this on my head to see what I am dreaming about...and then getting yelled at because she's not the women in my dreams.

Comment Re:Fahrenheit vs Celsius (Score 1) 676

I'm in an area of the world that uses metric (read: proper) measurements and I can assure you

Hm....Imperial is a proper form of measuring temperature. Just because others do not use it does not make it so. Otherwise "I'm in an area of the world that uses American English (read: proper) language and I can assure you..."

If you want to be snooty and talk about scientific measurements then you better start talking in Kelvin.

Comment Best Temperature (Score 1) 676

Years ago I would fight with my coworkers for temperature control. The females would complain it was too cold, the males too hot (it really was down the sex line). I would tell the women "hey put on a sweater, unfortunately I HAVE to wear a shirt, tie, and pants...i don't have an option for shorts, caprii's, skirts, or whatever else women get to wear...and i don't have an option for shirt sleaved also have the option to put on a sweater"

it got pretty vicious so I went to OCEAA and found their standards is (drum-roll) 69 degrees. They have it set slightly on the colder side to prevent people from dozing off at their desk.

Comment Re:Or Even Funnier (Score 1) 263

How does one set this up on say a Linksys router? Then restrict it so anyone who doesn't have their mac address recorded with me would get the routing. For example I would want my friends to connect (they give me their MAC), but someone at the coffee shop can bite it.

I would so name my network "FreeNetwork"

Comment Re:Or. (Score 2, Interesting) 263

Network Name "PedoLocalChapter15"

Is it possible to setup a router (e.g. linksys, netgear) to do annoying pop-ups on people's computers who are not on a MAC list? So if someone connects to my network they get a pop-up every X time....I would so spam them, every 3 seconds, with pop-ups to various animal porn sites

Comment Re:Stupidity of leadership... (Score 1) 327

There is no such thing as bullet proof design. There is always a way to crack a safe - and linux is no different. It may be hard, it may be obscure, or it may just not have been looked for.

GIven that, I agree with your sentinment, spending money on defense will help...though I already thought the DOD spends money on cyber security.

Comment Re:What's the point (Score 1) 100

It's a way for them to make money off of ad dollars and you. Plus they get to advertise up and coming movies to draw attention to it.

I've seen stuff like this done before, and it is more subjective then a vindictive english teacher on a red marker spree.

If they don't ask for the end-users credit card (e.g. buy more cash) then this site should be a fine amusement, but if they say "fund your account of virtual money with real money" then that is a problem...again, unlike the real stock market, the stuff here is almost entirely least in the real market its objective and subjective with insane regulations to help prevent scams.

Comment Some Healthcare rules (Score 2) 1197

1) Make sure yuo don't smoke/drink. And by drinking I mean not even the occasional sip of wine during a random holiday once/year. If you say "yea i have a sip of wine during christmas" you will be flagged as a drinker and your rates go up. It's total BS but it just say no. If you used to smoke 15 years ago...yea don't mention that. In reality it won't affect your health, but the insurance companies will screw you on the rates.
2) Make sure nobody in your family has anything that is hereditary. And by making sure I mean don't go asking. Ignorance is bliss...and saves you money.
3) If you've had surgery within the past two years your rates will be high. If the surgery is something that leaves your life totally unchanged (e.g. you may have been stabbed, and the surgery was purely cosmetic) then after two years you can re-apply for health insurance at a lower rate.

Realize that healthcare is going to be expensive, but not outrageous. I looked at some healthplans for myself, personally, and the rates were the same as going with a group plan from work....the personal health insurance is much better.

Depending on where you work (more so in small companies) the plan the company offers is actually a rip off. One company I worked for had the mother of the owner as the Agent. She made sure the plan offered was a poor plan with a high premium. The reason she did this is because health insurance agents make a good monthly commission. A 100 person company can easily give a health insurance agent around $2000-$3000 a month payout. So other then getting denied health insurance you should be able to get a better deal going at it on your own. I know this because I used to sell health insurance and saw the commissions paid out.

I had surgery under two years ago. As soon as my two year mark is up I plan on going personal. Same rate ($160/month), better insurance.

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