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Comment And that's why (Score 1) 407

We use Open Source, the entire point is using something that is not under the control of one single agency, entity or company. To have a back door in mainline like that, that isn't considered a bug would take the kind of creativity these organizations neither attract nor harbor on their own. So your probably good, besides SELinux vulnerabilities are the least of your worries. There's probably a Ton of sysad's that administer Linux boxes from windows with poor to minimal security.

Comment Re:Microsoft and Bill Gates (Score 1) 577

Its actually a really good example of what the green movement is, in this troll's attempt to plug a company that is hated for their inability to take any real useful advice from consumers if its not on picket signs outside their door. He created the real world analogy for "climate change" many people working to promote "idea X" there are many fakers, that take something and make it their message for why they're better at complying with the idea than others. Its perfect because its the most abused message of our time, next to terrorism. And at the end of the day someone stands up and acts like they're doing something good for someone somewhere and that causes another guy to stand up in the crowd completely off-topic and describe what a good person he is because he does vaguely good tings for theoretically good causes for invisibly but totally innocent people.

Comment Oh come now (Score 1) 197

They probably just did a "mv" rather than a "cp" when they where exporting the data to a USB stick to send to the NSA. I'm sure such a respected company such as E...A.... oh those guys. Yea "supprise!", you mean you thought the company of Entertainment Assholes was afraid of shaking up a few pesky users?

Comment Re: Bull Shit! (Score 1) 584

No no we talked about this remember, the secret court that we have no insight into are using legal arguments. On one side is the nsa there's a judge and the other side is an empty chair to represent 'we the people'. No one objected so it passed, are you saying the american public has a reason not to trust the government with all their data from now until the end of time. Surely there's no possible way to abuse this.

Comment Re:Constitution (Score 1) 568

It has nothing to do wtih your rights because they're requesting it from a company that holds the information about you, kinda like the information VISA holds on your transaction data, you may have bought and paid for that but you dont ownt he info....

Comment Expand (Score 1) 429

Expand your knowledge, of the old school there's a lot of it and its the stuff that has the niche features that you need to do trixy things. Your skills of the old school are the things that impress knowledgeable people, that know how effective those tool are. The web X.0 crap is for the trendy crowd unless your a web developer, its OK to let it pass you by because many times its toilet paper tech until it becomes established.

Comment if all things remain constant (Score 1) 808

The fallacy of these kind of predictions dictates that we don't expand out to something that changes human priorities. Will we also have robots flying the ships that we mine asteroids with? we'll still need people to fix those robots and keep things running, the robots just help us leverage the hugely repetitive tasks like picking strawberries or drive the robots to the site to begin work, and to make sure they're all on the right task. Oh and we'll need people to make predictions about how people will become extinct by $(date() + 30y). One could argue is a rather gorse underestimation of the number of unresolved issues in the world. But I do look forward to seeing the use'd robot salesman, this beauty's great she comes used before they enforced the robotic ethicacy subroutines! We still have the robotic rights revolution to go through too!

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