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Comment Re:At Least the Canucks Will Vote On It (Score 4, Informative) 30

What? We don't get to vote on this - this isn't a referendum. Harper and the conservatives have a majority government, they can vote whatever they want in.

Or do you mean the MPs will vote on this? Sure they will. But the end result is really no different than an "executive order from harper". Canadian MPs virtually never vote against their own party . They vote against their own party less than 0.5% of the time, if EVER.

The only reason Bill C-30 didn't go through was because Harper and his crew didn't like the negative press that was received by the bill (Facebook posts, Michael Geist blogs, etc..); the conservatives COULD have passed it but ultimately they'd like to win another election again. So they can this bill due to public outcry (damage control), but simply try to sneak in the same provisions in Bill C-55. On the same day no less.

Comment Re:I call... (Score 1) 285

There must be a huge difference in paper usage in an office vs a classroom. Classrooms demand a heavy volume of handout material, because you're constantly feeding large amounts of students multiple handouts, perhaps at least one a day.

10,000 a year is an absolutely bogus exaggeration of a number for the average office worker; that's 30 pieces of paper per worker being used up every single day of the year. Maybe law offices, or education centers use higher volumes because of the nature of the business, but I doubt most offices use that much. In an IT office, I'll print maybe 100 documents a year.

Comment Even if you don't care about your community (Score 1) 430

At least buy local to be green. The majority of comments here seem to be stressing the importance of buying local so your local community thrives and discussing the economics of the situation. There's little on the externality of pollution costs via transportation. Granted you can't buy a lot of things that are locally made, thanks to Walmart, cheap overseas labor etc.. But if your groceries come from a local farm instead of being shipped 3000km, that's a net gain and the greener option. Buy your stuff from a farmer's market (all local) instead of having your goods shipped from another country.

Comment Re:I shop local as much as I can. (Score 1) 430

Yes, the world would still be a better place. First off, we're not totally restricting imports - the idea is to buy things locally that you can't purchase elsewhere. Unfortunately that's not an option for most electronics, toys and other things generally made in China. But shopping at a farmer's market is a net + for everyone (as opposed to buying your groceries from somewhere where it's all imported).

Of course the biggest net gain is the reduced transportation. Even if you don't particularly care for the welfare of your community, buying something that was manufactured less than 50km away is better than getting your goods imported from China right? Think of all the wasted transportation costs from all those goods made over 3000km away. The only reason this still happens is that the goods are made in a place where laborers are paid more like 10 cents an hour instead of 10 dollars an hour, so it's still profitable to have it made in asia and exported here.

Comment Re:I didn't RTFA but (Score 1) 218

Were these women sexually harassed on FaceBook ? If not it has nothing to do with the case.

I wouldn't agree with that statement. Suppose there's a wall post by the defendant, or a note or a message to a friend that says something on the lines of "Boy my employer is a hottie, I'd just like to take him for a ride if you know what I mean!" - how would that having nothing to do with the case? A statement like that would pretty much throw this case out - if it's reasonable (or provable) that she was the one that made these statements (meaning someone else didn't make the statements via a hacked account) then I don't see why facebook statements can't be used or relevant.

One of the tidbits of information the plaintiff claims is relevant is this :

; a photograph of herself wearing a shirt with the word “CUNT” in large letters written across the front (a term she alleges was used pejoratively against her, also alleging that such use offended her);

Now we're getting into a bit of a grey area here, but such a photograph would be relevant. Now it's obviously not acceptable to call your employee a cunt to their face, I would expect harassment charges to stand here. But if the defendant hears the employer using that term to describe someone else, or happens to overhear that term being used and the defendant isn't the person being referred to - then such a picture of the t-shirt would be quite relevant. If the defendant claims that "such use offended her" by simply overhearing the word, but if a photograph shows her in a shirt with CUNT on it - then it's pretty clear she doesn't have a valid claim to simply be offended by hearing the word

You make a good point on being "forced to give the password to others" - but this is the plantiff, not the defendant. If it was the defendant, then I'd be more outraged. But if the defendant says "the plaintiff first sent me sexually suggestive messages on facebook!", it seems perfectly reasonable for the judge to request proof from the plaintiff

Comment Re:Double standard (Score 2) 423

This isn't "exposing identities" - the vast majority of these posts are facebook and twitter accounts using their real names! These are proud racists - obviously having no issues with how other people view their thoughts. This isn't some IP-investigative / anonymous coward mission where cryptic handles are associated with real people. Their friends and family already know this stuff - there's simply more people being aware of this right now

Comment Hipsters will make bitcoin popular (Score 1) 205

No no, you've got it all wrong. Bitcoins will become popular as soon as hipsters become aware of it's existence. Right now, most hipsters aren't aware of bitcoins - the news feeds on their latest iGadget doesn't usually run stories on bitcoins. And they don't read "mainstream" techie sites like /. - they prefer to get their news from their local independent free magazines, and from carrier pigeons (which don't run stories on bitcoins).

But eventually one will hear about it, and when they do - they'll start foaming at the mouth and jump on that currency in a heartbeat! "Oh you still use dollar bills to buy things brah? That's so 2011. I only deal with BitCoins now. Yeah you've probably never heard of it - it's a pretty obscure currency - it's like, an only online currency dude. There's only a few places that actually accept them as a valid currency." And as he's telling his hipster friends at the local dive bar, sipping his locally brewed IPA (that his friends had to buy him, because the bar doesn't accept BitCoins yet) - his buddies will jump on the BitCoin bandwagon (but hopefully before it gets too mainstream) and hipsters will cash in on bitcoins like wildfire.

Now of course, retailers will realize this soon enough and realize they're sitting on a gold mine! All these hipsters will have bitcoins with nowhere to spend them, so every independent brewery, vintage clothing store, horn-rimmed eyeglass shop, pipe & tobacco company, scarf retailer and unsigned recording artist will immediately start accepting bit coins as a form of payment. And before we know it, bitcoins are mainstream and will be used everywhere. The only real losers here will be the hipsters after a year or two, who will be eventually disappointed when they realize bitcoins are totally mainstream now.

Comment Summary of the trolls (Score 2) 205

"Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme and will NEVER be popular or mainstream, and I will continue to shout this mantra for any story on bitcoins on Slashdot. This includes stories that contradict my position - such as this one. As a tekkie of some sorts, I am still bitter that I never involved myself with bitcoin mining during the early days despite having the resources available at the time - and I will continue spewing this nonsense until this self-fulfilling prophecy becomes true. Either that or I work for a bank / paypal"

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