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Comment Re:Drivers??? (Score 1) 265

Plus, there's nothing wrong with supporting manufacturers that really have first-class Linux drivers.

This may be a stupid question, but where can I find this kind of information?
It's easy to find "someone got this to work with linux" pages, but how do i find out about what hardware really works well with linux? (and how to get it outside of the US)

Comment Re:The real new threat from ISP's (Score 1) 409

For your information, I am Welsh, and well aware of the history of the NHS and its creation by Aneurin Bevan, the minister for health in Clement Attlee's post-war government.

And yes, the UN CRC doesn't count, unless you don't think that children (or anyone else, in my opinion) should be subjected to the death penalty.

Of course I'm aware that there are creationists in the UK, but I can honestly say that I've never met one, and of the links you provide the first is about outcry against creationism, which surely reinforces my point. The second states:

In a survey by Southampton University, 36 percent of teachers said God was involved in humanity's creation

which is not the same as the young earth creationism that I should have specified I was referring to, furthermore, I agree that creation should be taught in schools, in fact, I was taught about it at school, in religious education classes where it belongs.

Even the third and most relevant of your links is only a debate about whether it should be discussed in lessons, not taught as fact.

I admit that there are a lot of things about this country that I don't like, but I'm fed up of reading "OMG UK is fascist" posts on slashdot, it's complete nonsense.

Comment Re:The real new threat from ISP's (Score 1) 409

UK is a fascist dictatorship. But instead of one Mussolini, it is governed by elected MPs

. . .

Please don't compare US and UK.

yes, one of them happens to have a national health service, to have signed the UN convention on the rights of the child, have adequate gun control, and a distinct lack of creationism :P

Comment Re:Open Game Worlds... (Score 1) 104

Seriously, I nearly cry every time I hear stuff like this, just like I nearly cried the first time I played oblivion.
Although I don't really play games any more, I'd prefer to play morrowind or daggerfall any day of the week. In fact, if someone remade daggerfall in a slightly less hideously 2D-sprited manner I just might have to drop out of university...

if this already exists please, for the sake of my future, DON'T link me to it!, please, do

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